法庭上原告和被告双方都有各自的律师。 Each side of a case in court has its own counsel.
他走出法庭时耷拉著脑袋. He had his head down as he walked out of the court.
作为史无前例的步骤,法庭要求证人唱一首歌。 In an unprecedented move, the tribunal ask the witness to sing a song.
书记员保管档案记录及从事法庭或立法机关日常事务的人 A person who keeps the records and performs the regular business of a court or legislative body.
法庭判给(他)50000英镑损害赔偿费. The court awarded (him) damages of 50000.
赡养费按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时 An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
法庭听取了证词. The court heard the evidence.
法庭的判决对他有利. The court decided in his favour.
此案已由上诉法庭转给下级法庭处理. The case has been remitted from the appeal court to a lesser tribunal.
他因蔑视法庭而被传讯。 He was cited for contempt of court.
法庭已经做出不合法杀害的裁决。 The court has made a verdict of unlawful killing.
他出示假证据,这就是蔑视法庭。 He gave false proof, which set the court at defiance.
法庭裁定那个人犯了侵犯人身罪。 The court determined that the man was guilty of assault.
我得到法庭认可重新拥有这笔财产。 I've been authorised by the court to repossess this property.
这位律师正在为明天法庭审理的案件做准备。 The solicitor is preparing a case in the court tomorrow.
内庭法官与检察官私下讨论或听取不必在法庭上审讯的案件的房间 A room in which a judge may consult privately with attorneys or hear cases not taken into court.
军事法庭由指挥官指定的官员组成的军事或海军法庭以对违反军事法的人进行审判 A military or naval court of officers appointed by a commander to try persons for offenses under military law.
法官的判决被上诉法庭驳回. The judge's decision was set aside by the Appeal Court.
法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式. There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts.
诉讼记录法律案件中法庭诉讼程序的简要记录 A brief entry of the court proceedings in a legal case.
这些问题在本法庭审理范围之内[外]. These matters fall within/go beyond the cognizance of this court.