晚饭时他吃了一些米饭。 He had some rice for supper.
我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off.
她午饭吃得很少,期待晚饭时饱餐一顿。 She ate a light lunch in expectation of a good dinner.
他晚饭吃了一些什锦泡菜和米饭。 He had some mixed pickles and rice for supper.
他买了一个鳕鱼罐头和一个三明治作晚饭。 He bought a canned cod and a sandwich as supper.
晚饭我请客。 Dinner is on me.
我吃完晚饭常感到困, 一到晚上就又精神了. I often feel sleepy after supper and then I get my second wind later in the evening.
晚饭前,他吃了一些饼干。 He had some biscuits before the dinner.
请不要为了等我们而延缓吃晚饭。 Please don't wait dinner for us.