问题是什么时候能得到我们所需要的钱。 The problem is when to get the money we need.
这本书包含你所需的一切资料。 This book contains all the information you need.
维修手册向您提供修理汽车所需的图表和说明。 A maintenance manual gives diagrams and instructions for repairing your car.
他从她那里问出了他所需要的信息。 He succeeded in eliciting the information he needed from her.
他不具备这项工作所需的资格。 He hasn't got the requisite qualifications for this job.
我们所需要的金属要求具有下列特性。 The metal we need requires the following particular properties.
中国教育的主要目的是教授所需的科技知识以把中国变成现代化的社会主义国家。 The min purpose of Chinese education is to teach the science and technology needed to made China into a modern socialist nation.
很多队员渐渐变得动作迟缓了。这支队所需的是一些新鲜血液。 Many of the players are getting sluggish and what this team needs is some fresh blood.
我方接受委托推荐下列人员,他们愿意提供你方所需的任何情况。 As reference we wish to give the following who have kindly agreed to give any information you may desire.
这家小公司推出新产品获得成功,因为这种新产品恰好是大众所需要的。 The small company hit the mark with its new product because it was just what the public wanted.
先把尺寸量好, 再把木材锯成所需长短. First measure (it) up, then cut the timber to the correct length.
我们必须让警察人数达到(全部)编制所需的数量. We must bring the police force up to (full) strength.
邮资邮寄的物品所需的费用 The charge for mailing an item.
不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。 The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression.
我们不断进行实验, 直至将所需颜色调配成功. We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right colour.
筹集的资金没达到所需的数额. The money collected fell short of the amount required.
超额量超过正常或所需或数额的数量;盈余 An amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; a surplus.
技术规范中叙述了每台设备或全部设备所需的附件、专用工具和消耗件。 Accessories, special tools and expendable required with each unit or totally are described in the technical specification.