他在物理学方面已经取得了巨大成就。 He has got brilliant achievements in the field of physics.
如果最后你能够有所成就, 你的努力就不会白费。 Your efforts will not come to no avail, if you can achieve something at last.
我们应该学习祖先的成就。 We should study our ancestral achievements.
你没有认识到她这一成就的重大意义。 You haven't realized the magnitude of her achievement.
当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。 I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.
他为自己在科研方面所取得的巨大成就而自豪。 He is proud of his great success in scientific researches.
那个女人常贬低我的成就。 The woman always disparages my achievements.
他聪明,但不会有成就,因为他缺少干劲。 He's clever but he won't succeed because he lacks drive.
幸福并不在于单纯地占有金钱;幸福还在于取得成就后的喜悦,在于创造努力时的激情。 Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts.
夺得金牌是她又一值得骄傲的成就. Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap.
没有人怀疑他在金融事务中的卓越成就。 No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters.
"如果他不努力,他将永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负。" "If he's lazy, he'll never fulfil his ambition to achieve anything."
贝西奖一种自1984年以来每年由“纽约市舞蹈剧院创作室”颁发的奖项,为在舞蹈和表演艺术方面取得的成就而设立 An award given annually since1984 by the Dance Theater Workshop in New York City for achievement in dance and the performing arts.