对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。 People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.
平民们在广场上集会反对他们的新市长。 The rabbles met on the square to oppose their new mayor.
军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
他辞去军职而从事平民工作. He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.
平民,百姓遵循平民生活的人 A person following the pursuits of civil life.
在爆炸中有两个士兵和一个平民被炸死. Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in the explosion.
王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。 The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.
平民的,普通的大众人民的,与大众人民有关的;普通的 Of or associated with the great masses of people; common.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.