请把账单给我好吗? Could I have the bill, please?
再给你倒杯茶好吗? Can I pour you another cup of tea?
请帮我喂我的猫好吗? Will you feed my cat for me?
请你拼一下你的姓好吗? Would you please spell your last name?
请你为我翻译一下好吗? Would you please interpret for me?
请把铅笔借给我用用好吗? Would you please lend me your pencil?
帮我洗洗这些锅碗瓢盆好吗? Will you help me to wash up all these pots and pans?
咱们一起复习你的英语练习好吗? Shall we go over your English exercises together?
我想请你下星期日去参加舞会好吗? I would like to invite you to a ball next Sunday.
请你把这封信复印一份好吗? Could you Xerox this letter please?
请你往右边移一点好吗? Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right?
请你在这件衬衫上钉一颗钮扣好吗? Will you stitch a button on this shirt?
请你把这颗纽扣缝到我的衬衫上好吗? Would you sew this button onto my shirt?
除工作以外,你有其它的特别爱好吗? Do you have any special interest other than your job?
你把议事日程表给(我)复印二十份好吗? Could you run (me) off twenty copies of the agenda?
还好。顺便问一下,你母亲怎么样?她好吗? Not bad. By the way, how is your mother? Is she all right?
既然你喜欢我的连衣裙而我也喜欢你的,咱们交换好吗? As you like my dress and I like yours, shall we do a swap?
那个字你再拼一遍好吗? Could you spell that word out for me again?
我们把讨论的要点归纳一下好吗? Could we have a run-through of the main points discussed?
请你将诗人逝世的消息转播给公众好吗? Could you relay the news of the poet's death out to the public?
`我们变动一下计划好吗?'`不行, 我们要按原计划行事.' `Shall we change the plan?' `No dice, we'll stick with the original one.'
就用手指头指着名单往下看,看是不是所有的人的名字都在上面,好吗? Just run your finger down the list and see if all the names are there, will you?
草案准备好了。请审核一下细节内容,看看是否全部条款都合适好吗? The draft is prepared. Will you please check the particulars and see if everything is all right?
我们的新型洗衣粉顾客都很满意, 成千上万的人不可能都错了, 您也不妨试一试好吗? Thousands of satisfied customers can't be wrong, so why don't you try our new washing-powder?
请你跟我跳个舞好吗? Would you like to dance?
在来点马铃薯泥好吗? Would you like more mashed potato?
客人来时你通报一声好吗? Would you announce the guests as they come in?
你把这些靴子好好擦一下好吗? Would you put a good shine on these boots?
我觉得这儿很憋气, 咱们开几扇窗户好吗? I'm suffocating in here; can't we open a few windows?
请把你的各项开支列在这张表格上,好吗? Could you detail all your expenses on this form?