我的起居室的墙上挂着一块壁毯。 The wall of my living room was hung with a tapestry.
她只有坐在壁炉前才感觉到暖和。 She felt warm only when she sat before the fireplace.
壁纸是成卷买的. Wallpaper is bought in rolls.
昨夜隔壁有些异常. There were some strange goings-on next door last night.
隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。 There was a burst of laughter in the next room.
桌子接触墙壁的地方漆皮已剥落。 The paint has chipped off where the table touches the wall.
你听见没听见昨晚隔壁闹翻天了? Did you hear the carryings-on next door last night?
我可以听见他在隔壁屋子里(不停地)锤打东西. I could hear him hammering (away) in the house next door.
壁纸正在剥落. The wallpaper is peeling (off).
我们正给浴室贴壁纸. We're papering the bathroom.
墙壁因地震而倾斜。 The wall declined slightly on account of the earthquake.
我每天打壁球,一个星期体重减轻了十磅。 I sweated off ten pounds in a week by playing squash every day.
我挑选壁纸和帘子用了好几天的时间. I spent days picking and choosing before deciding on the wallpaper and curtains.
威利玩他父亲的手枪时不小心走火了, 把墙壁打出一个洞。 Willie accidentally lets off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.
壁垒被彻底摧毁了。 The rampart was destroyed totally.
我的膝盖撞上了墙壁。 I've bumped my knee on the wall.
我不得不买些白色的乳状漆来粉刷墙壁。 I have to buy some white emulsion paint to freshen the walls.
隔膜,隔壁将某一器官,如子房或果实分成几个室的分隔物 A partition dividing an organ, such as an ovary or a fruit, into chambers.
【谚】篱笆有眼,墙壁长耳。 Hedges have eyes and walls have ears.
那攀登者不得不紧扒着悬崖峭壁。 The climber had to cling onto the cliff.
我们隔壁住著来自美国的一对夫妇. Next door to us there's a couple from the USA.
这条船的侧面碰撞了港口岸壁. The ship hit the harbour wall broadside on.
壁内的发生于或位于腔或器官的壁内的 Occurring or situated within the wall of a cavity or an organ.
常春藤沿着墙壁蔓延。 Ivy crept along the walls.
壁炉凸出在外,伸入房间。 The fireplace came out into the room.
他的肖像挂在壁炉的上方. His portrait (was) hung above the fireplace.
这些精美的绘画使四壁生辉。 Fine paintings graced the walls of the room.
寺院的墙壁上刻著很多装饰物. Many adornments were carved on the temple walls.
锅炉内壁要洗刷一下,除去钙质沉淀物。 The boilers will have to be scoured out to remove the calcium deposits.
原生质体植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜 The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed.
西斯廷教堂的壁画举世闻名. The frescos in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous.
壁身体部位、器官或腔的外表面。常用复数 A wall of a body part, organ, or cavity. Often used in the plural.