他落入敌人设的圈套。 He fell into a snare laid by his enemy.
教授因他可爱的单纯而上了圈套。 The professor rose to the fly with a charming simplicity.
陷阱捕捉或诱捕的方式;圈套 A means of catching or ensnaring; a trap.
他们设下圈套, 他果然落入其中. They set a trap for him and he walked right into it.
皮特好像设了狡猾的圈套要陷害你。 Peter seems to have set a cunning trap for you.
这个问题是不是个圈套? Is this question a trap?
他的许诺都是圈套和骗局. All his promises were snares and delusions.