她向她父亲喊叫求救。 She called to her father for help.
受惊的孩子们呼喊著找妈妈。 Frightened children were calling for their mothers.
他们大声地为自己的足球队喊加油。 They cheered loudly for their football team.
群众高声喊叫把演讲人的声音压了下去。 The crowd shouted the speaker down.
尽管他大声喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。 Despite his cries no one came to his assistance.
万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼; A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer.
反复呼喊抗议口号 Chanted defiant slogans.
溺水的男孩大声喊叫,大家一齐赶去救他。 The drowning boy called out and everybody rushed to his rescue.
我好像听见有人喊叫. I thought I heard sb calling.
这一小群人发出了刺耳的喊叫。 A ragged shout went up from the small crowd.
我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来。 I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him.
示威者挥舞着旗帜,呼喊着口号。 The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans.
导演喊了一声: 停!  The director shouted `Cut!'
人们叫喊著为选手打气. The crowd yelled (out) encouragement at the players.
她一反常态, 向他愤怒地叫喊. She lost her usual equilibrium and shouted at him angrily.
球迷一看见他都激动得大喊大叫. The fans screamed with excitement when they saw him.
他们打开包裹, 高兴地叫喊起来. They opened the parcel with whoops of delight.
她大喊大叫地抱怨房租太高. She's kicking up an awful fuss about the high rent.
很多人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提时代,边大喊大叫边跺脚地发脾气。 Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet.
他伸手捂住她的嘴, 不让她叫喊. He put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming.