他笑着告诉我这个消息。 He told me the news with a laugh.
你只要问他,他就会告诉你。 You have only to ask and he'll tell you.
把这些数字加起来,告诉我总数是多少。 Add this numbers together and give me the total.
旅行社的那位小姐告诉我下午一点开门. The lady at the tourist office told me it opened at 1 pm.
他带着心满意足的微笑告诉了我们。 He told us with a smile of contentment.
我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。 I made it clear to him that I rejected his proposal.
我觉得我没有勇气告诉他这个坏消息。 I don't think I have the courage to tell him the bad news.
好的。请您告诉我贵姓及大名的头一个字母。 Ok may I have your last name and first initial, please?
他的秘密至死也不为人知,因为他从未告诉过别人。 His secret died with him, for he never told anyone.
他还告诉我说你的辅导课和讨论课出勤率不高。 He also tells me that your attendance at his tutorial and seminar have been poor.
我认为直截了当地告诉他这个坏消息倒是友好的行为。 I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away.
他告诉照相的人别再缠著他. He told the photographers to stop pestering him.
他不敢把令人不快的真情告诉他们。他是条哑吧狗。 He is afraid to tell them the unpalatable truths. He is a dumb dog.
你能告诉我这些鞋子的零售价吗? Could you tell me the retail prices of these shoes?
请您告诉我怎样去联络律师? Could you please inform me how to go about contacting a lawyer?
你能告诉我去火车站最近的路吗? Can you tell me the nearest way to the railway station?
劳驾,您能告诉我在哪能买到邮票吗? Excuse me, can you tell where to get stamp?
"告诉我:在任何一项工作中,是师傅说了算,还是助手说了算!""那得看情况。" "Tell me this: In any job of work, should the master have the last word, or the assistant! " "That depends."
他告诉我的消息是真实的。 The news he told me is truthful.
当他平静下来时,我开始告诉他实情。 When he quieted down, I began to tell him the truth.
人家告诉我她很可爱,可是她根本不是那样。 People had told me she was very pleasant but she's nothing of the kind.
我恳求你告诉我。 I beseech you to tell me.
我告诉她无数次了. I've told her countless times.
我们考虑是否要告诉她。 We pondered whether to tell her.
我不好意思告诉她我不及格。 I was too ashamed to tell her that I had failed.
他用无线电报把消息告诉我。 He sent me the news by wireless telegraph.
别把秘密告诉他,他的嘴不严。 Never tell him a secret; he's got a loose tongue.
修道院院长告诉他要遵守规定。 The abbot told him to obey the rules.
我必须告诉你,他的耐心是有限的。 I must tell you that his patience has its limit.
如果你感兴趣,你来后我把详细情况告诉你。 If you would be interested, I'll tell you all the details when you get here.
我有重要消息要告诉你--是好消息, 我得赶紧补充一句. I have important news for you good news, I hasten to add.
餐厅的名字未必能告诉你很多它所供应的食物。 The name of a restaurant won't necessarily tell you much about the food it serves.
医生告诉他每天饭前吃两片阿斯匹林。 The doctor told him to take two tablets of aspirin before every meal.
他要求他们把他著作的销售情况随时告诉他。 He ask them to keep him posted about the sale of his book.
你能告诉我是谁发明了电话? Can you tell me who invented the telephone?
你还是告诉她吧, 因为她迟早会发觉的. You should tell her, because she'll find out sooner or later.
我太生气了, 我一定要当面告诉她我对她的看法。 I am so angry that I'll tell her to her face what I think of her.
那位安慰者告诉他,他应该有耐心。 The comforter told him that he should be patient.
老乡们告诉我爸爸,他的处境很危险。 My father was warned by the villagers that he was in great danger.
计算机手册将告诉你如何连接打印机线 The computer manual will tell you how to attach a line printer.
你愿意告诉谁就告诉谁--对我来说都无所谓. Tell whoever you like it makes no difference to me.
我并不了解讨论的情况,所以无法告诉你做了什么决定。 I was not privy to the discussion, so I cannot tell you what was decided.
他把事故的经过告诉了她,但赶紧随即补充说没有人受伤。 He told her about the accident, but hastened to add that no one was hurt.
我无法引用确切的原文, 但是我可以告诉你作者所述的要点. I can't quote chapter and verse but I can give you the main points the author was making.
记住,你现在当家作主了,要大胆说话,有什么想法就告诉我们。 Remember you are one of the masters now, so speak up and tell us what you think.
我可告诉你,在那个神圣的日子里不许打猎或搞娱乐活动消遣。 I charge you not to hunt or recreate your selves on that sacred day.
我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。 Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.
你能告诉我你一个月赚多少吗? Can you tell me how much you earn a month?
我正想把实况告诉他;但他打断了我的话。 I was trying to tell him what really happened, but he cut me short.
他告诉我说中央C音相当于每秒振动256次。 He told me that middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second.
当她母亲回家来告诉她,她的狗已被车辗死时,这个可怜的小姑娘痛哭起来。 The poor little girl cried her heart out when her mother came home and told her that her dog had been run over.
"告诉你的朋友们你一天吃不了三大餐。""我可不想使他们不高兴,最好还是入乡随俗-何况只有一周的时间。" "Just tell your friends you can't eat three enormous meals a day." "I wouldn't like to offend them. When in Rome, better do as the Romans do-especially as it's only for a week."
她急于要告诉你这消息。 She is burning to tell you the news.
我将打电话告诉你测验的结果。 I'll phone the result of the test to you.
记住你告诉我的话并不容易。 It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me.
那个士兵告诉我们哪儿是步枪的击发装置。 The soldier told us where the firing mechanism of a rifle is.
别担心,已经有人告诉了我他们所有的鬼把戏。 Don't worry. I've been put up to all their tricks.
果断些,确切地告诉他们你认为应该怎么做。 Be decisive, tell them exactly what you think should be done.
我告诉孩子们必须遵守家规,要不他们就会失去目前享有的某些自由。 I've told my children they must toe the line with regard to house rules or lose some of the freedom they presently enjoy.
儿子,别担心,作不出来就算了。告诉你老师,别忘了诗人是天生的,不是教出来的。 Stop worrying if you can't do it, son, and tell your teacher to remember that poets are born, not made.
我三番五次地告诉过你, 不要做那种事. I've told you again and again not to do that.
有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。 I was told that Spain is a romantic nation.
我的朋友告诉我她住的地方文化生活贫乏。 My friend told me that the place she live is a cultural wasteland.
你竟当着别人面前告诉他,实在很不机智。 It wasn't very tactful of you to tell him in front of others.
我去睡觉,茶沏好后告诉我一声。 I'm going to sleep, tip me the wink when tea's ready.
金融家告诉我们不要再用那种方法做业务。 The financier told us not to do business in that way.
他惟恐婚姻破裂,把一切都告诉了妻子。 Rather than risk breaking up his marriage he told his wife everything.
我已将情况告诉你,所以你必须酌情处理。 I have told you the circumstances, so you must act accordingly.
他心中憋着一股怒火,按照别人告诉他的去做。 He acted on what he was told with a cold fury in his heart.
如果你找不到别人,我同意为球队上场打球,但我先告诉你,我的球艺因久不练习已经生疏。 If you can't get anyone else I don't mind playing for the team, but I warn you that I'm not in practice.
当飞机上的灯一下子熄灭时,旅客显得很紧张,但当机长告诉他们这只不过是一次电气故障,很快就会修好时,他们才放下心来。 The passengers became alarmed when the lights went out on the plane, but the captain put their minds at rest when he told them it was only a minor electrical fault and it would soon be repaired.
人们告诉他那悲惨的消息後,他已六神无主了。 He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news.
哎呀,不要这样死要面子啦,告诉我真心话吧! Oh, don't be so respectable! Tell me what you really feel.
当我告诉他那个消息时我自己不知不觉地哽咽起来。 I couldn't account for the lump in my throat when I told him the news.
赫德并未讨论限期,可是他告诉英国广播公司说,国际联盟“行将达到的阶段是:大家都对现局加以估计,看我们所建立的以和平方式施压是否有效。” Mr.Hurd did not discuss deadlines, but he told the BBC that the international coalition was"approaching the stage when we all take stock and see if the peaceful pressures which we have been constructing are going to be good enough."