年龄的大小往往与发病率有关. We can often correlate age with frequency of illness.
聚会进行到一半,我太太发病了,我们只好赶紧离开。 Halfway through the party my wife become ill and we have to leave in short order.
这个地区的犯罪率、 发病率、 失业率等很高. This area has a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc.
走马疳,坏疽性口炎嘴或生殖器部分严重的经常为生疽性的发炎,通常在感染了传染病后发生,最常发病于卫生条件极差或营养状况不良的孩子 A severe, often gangrenous inflammation of the mouth or genitals, occurring usually after an infectious disease and found most often in children in poor hygienic or malnourished condition.