中国是一个有着悠久历史的东方国家。 China is an oriental country with a long history.
在今日的交易中, 日元已升值到历史的最高水平. The yen hit a record high in trading today.
杭州是一座有悠久历史的城市。 Hangzhou is a city with a long history.
人民是历史的创造者。 The people are the makers of history.
地质学在此把人类历史的延续移交给考古学。 Geology here passes over the continuation of the history of man to Archeology.
西非歌舞艺人在西非地区保持村落或家族口头传统和历史的讲故事者 A storyteller in western Africa who perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or family.
他那不光彩历史的揭露导致了他的辞职。 The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
"这就是那些历史关头之一,"罗杰说:"这关头也许会改变历史的进程。" "This is one of those moments, "Roger said, "which might change the course of history."
向导把该地历史的老一套讲得滚瓜烂熟,但当你一问起别的东西时,他就瞠目结舌,无言以对了。 The guide was ready enough with his usual pattern on the history of the place, but as soon as you began to question him on anything outside that, he was all at sea.
没有人能够阻挡历史的车轮。 No one can hold back the wheel of history.
这是一本关于古罗马历史的书。 Here is a book about Roman history.