我们应当采取措施制止战争。 We should take steps to prevent war.
他给他们出主意怎样制止侵略。 He advised them how to stop the invasion.
他们要制止富人掠夺穷人。 They would stop the rich from robbing the poor.
警察大批出动,以制止骚乱。 The police were out in force to stop any trouble.
警方在竞选之夜制止了几处骚乱。 The police stopped several riots on election night.
给她一次警告就足以制止她做那件事了. One warning sufficed to stop her doing it.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.