我们应该全体讨论班级活动。 We must discuss the class activities in a body.
对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。 Continuous assessment is made of all students' work.
火警警报响时全体人员应到楼外集合. If the fire-alarm goes, staff should assemble outside the building.
工会领袖号召抗议那天全体会员积极参加. Union leaders called for the active participation of all members in the day of protest.
在合作社中, 利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的. In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.
陪审团的全体成员,你们现在必须退下去考虑应如何裁决。 Members of the jury, you must now retire to consider your verdict.
这些优异的成绩给我们全体工作人员带来了莫大的光荣. These excellent results reflect great credit on all our staff.
全体居民都动员起来,防止森林火灾。 The entire population was mobilized to watch for forest fires.
这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病. The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.
听众全体起立向演讲者欢呼. The audience rose bodily to cheer the speaker.
那位公主赢得了全体国民的心。 The princess captured the hearts of the nation.
全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会。 It is requested that all members be present at the party.
参加打猎者打猎中的跟随着一群猎狗的全体骑马猎人 The body of riders following a pack of hounds in hunting.
尽管在井下不舒服,但全体矿工决心在井下罢工,直到他们增加工资的要求得到满足为止。 All the miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met. In spite of the discomfort.
董事会,理事会一个组织董事们的全体,尤指公司的理事会 The body of directors of an organization, especially of a corporation.
船上定员行驶船舶所要求配备的全体官员和在编士兵 The full crew of officers and enlisted personnel required to run a ship.
驱邪仪式古罗马每五年普查人口后对全体国民进行的净化仪式 A ceremonial purification of the entire ancient Roman population after the census every five years.
由於全体演员的出色表演, 那出戏才获得成功. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast.
战俘营中骇人听闻的生活惨状外人是很难完全体验到的. It's hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp.