我的部分工作是同我们的供应商保持良好的关系。 Part of my job is to maintain good relationship with our suppliers.
那次宴会上有大量饮料供应。 There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party.
这些商品大量供应。 These goods are freely available.
我们国家有充足的食物供应。 Our country has a bountiful supply of food.
您知道,我们可以供应各种类型和尺码的机床。 As you know, we can supply machine tools of all types and size.
餐厅的名字未必能告诉你很多它所供应的食物。 The name of a restaurant won't necessarily tell you much about the food it serves.
小船一种小划艇,尤指从船到岸渡运供应品 A small rowboat, especially one used to ferry supplies from ship to shore.
商人向他们供应货物。 The merchant supplies goods to them.
营地有充足的食品供应。 The camp has a plentiful supply of food.
我们的木材供应证明是不够的。 Our wood supply proved insufficient.
这家商店供应各种野营用品。 The shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping.
有些国家的燃料供应非常有限。 There are some countries where (=in which) the supply of fuel is very limited.
这些商品现正供应不足,价格会上涨。 These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.
这个城镇煤气供应得很好。 We are well served with gas in this town.
电力供应已在电源处截断. The electricity supply has been cut off/disconnected at the mains.
电力供应中断,城市陷于混乱之中。 After the failure of the electricity supplies the city was in chaos.
抗荷衣宇航员或喷气机飞行员穿的飞行服,在快速垂直加速中增加身体下部的压力以保持脑部血液供应 A flight garment worn by astronauts and jet pilots that presses on the lower body to maintain the blood supply to the brain during rapid vertical acceleration.
若不付费用, 就要停止供应电力[煤气]. If you don't pay your bills they'll disconnect your electricity/gas.
在乾旱时, 每天有几小时停止供应自来水. The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought.
这里的膳宿供应也许不见得完全令人满意,但是我们只好随遇而安。 The accommodation may not be all that we should like, but we shall have to make the best of it.
市政官古罗马民选的行政官,负责公共事务及游艺活动并且监管市场、粮食及用水供应 An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets, the grain supply, and the water supply.
设备必须从公司认可的供应商那里购买。 The equipment must be bought from a supplier approved by the company.
请试试这个巧克力。有三种不同风味的巧克力供应。 Please try this chocolate. There are three different flavors available.
随着生产量的增长, 需要原材料的供应也不断增长。 With the production going up, an increasing supply of raw materials is needed.
在干旱时期定量供应水 Rationing water during the drought.
管理部门将供应饮食. The management will provide food and drink.
我们的供应厂商已迁往巴斯. Our suppliers have removed to Bath.
您只要把我们的报价与其他供应商的开价相比较就会知道我方价格多么优惠。 If you compare our quotation with those offer by other supplier, you'll see how favorable ours be.
贵方所订购货物之其余部分, 一俟我方进货即可供应. The balance of your order will be supplied when we receive fresh stock.
人工渠道一种用于供应能量或运送圆木的敞开的、有水流通过的人工渠道或斜糟 An open artificial channel or chute carrying a stream of water, as for furnishing power or conveying logs.