她感到了写作的乐趣。 She discovered the joy of writing.
在春天里听鸟儿歌唱是一种乐趣。 It's a pleasure to hear birds' warble in spring.
对他来说,生活似乎已失去了一切乐趣。 Life seems to have lost most of its savor for him.
我们都要做好自己工作,并且要在工作中找到精神上的乐趣。 We must cultivate our own garden and find the joy of doing it in our own heart.
和她谈话是一种乐趣。 It is a pleasure to converse with her.
这种冒险成分更给探险活动平添几分乐趣. The element of risk gave (an) added zest to the adventure.
你什麽也不用做--只管轻松愉快地享受旅游的乐趣. You don't have to do anything just lie back and enjoy the journey.
经过一年辛苦工作之后,大家都能领略假期的乐趣。 We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard working.
她从帆板运动和滑雪中得到极大乐趣. She gets her kicks from windsurfing and skiing.
她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣。 She took no pleasure in her work.
电影使亿万人获得乐趣。 Movies give delight to millions of people.
他这个人, 听他讲话就是极大的乐趣. He is a great joy to listen to.
那孩子渐渐领悟到音乐的乐趣。 The child has a gradual awakening to the joy of music.
我并没有从那本小说里得到多少乐趣。 I didn't get much enjoyment out of that novel.
感谢您使我们把枯燥的学习变成了巨大的乐趣。 Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.
他在生活上过于奉行清教徒式的原则,所以不能领略跳舞的乐趣。 He is too much of a puritan to enjoy dancing.