这种发展与我们的利益背道而驰。 The development was adverse to our interests.
当男主角策马向夕阳驰去时,尾声音乐逐渐消失。 The closing music fades out when the hero rides off into the sunset.
侦察员向目的地疾驰而去。 The scout spurred on to the destination.
看到一个乞丐跨进一辆闪亮的奔驰轿车我惊愕不已。 I am amazed to see a beggar step into a shiny Mercedes.
他的想象力有类于鸵鸟的翅膀—虽未可以飞翔,犹可使他奔驰。 His imagination resemble the wing of an ostrich. it enabled him to run, though not to soar.