崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。 The rough road made the car vibrate.
在多石地带缓慢地颠簸前进 Bumped along slowly over the rocky terrain.
那轮船颠簸摇晃, 很多乘客头晕恶心. The ship pitched and rolled and many passengers were sick.
船在汹涌的海上颠簸. The ship wallowed in the rough sea.
旧公共汽车沿著山路颠簸行驶。 The old bus bumped along the mountain road.
我的自行车在凹凸不平的车辙道上颠颠簸簸. My bike bumped over the ruts.
船颠簸加剧,他知道海浪猛烈起来了。 The added motion of the ship told him the sea was getting up.
汽车在高低不平的砾石路面上颠簸着。 The car bumped on the uneven surface of the gravel road.