汽车路线到此为止了, 你得叫辆的士。 The bus route goes as far as that, so you'll need to take a taxi.
这条路线旅行的人以前常走,但是现在已不用了。 The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.
我们在地图上画出我们的路线. We traced out our route on the map.
另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。 Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。 She always takes a Marxist line.
我们是不是可以另试试别的路线? Can we perhaps try another route?
我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。 I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.
这些火车头在1940年以前一直在大西部铁路线上运行. These locomotives ran on Great Western Railway metals until 1940.
路线沿途的标志都十分清楚. The markings along the route are quite plain.
背离既定路线者;阴谋破坏者采用不同路线,进行分裂或从事破坏活动的人 One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities.
(固定路线的)运输系统通常有固定路线的公有或私有贷运或客运系统,如船运、空运或汽运 A passenger or cargo system of public or private transportation, as by ship, aircraft, or bus, usually over a definite route.
他选取了最直的路线。 He has chosen the most direct route.
在这张地图上长征路线是用红线标示出来的。 The route of the Long March is lined out in red on the map.
横越…的航道穿过(船)的航向,航线或路线 Across the course, line, or length of.
迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。 Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anything in between.
逐渐越轨从初始的路线、模式、方式或目的的逐渐偏离 A gradual deviation from an original course, model, method, or intention.
Z字型线条在方向交替中,通过急转来继续的线或路线 A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions.