他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听。 They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics.
一谈到别的事情时,他们的记性并不是很好,但他们却记得彗星。 Their memory wasn't very good when it came to recalling other things, but they remembered the comet.
一谈到暑假,我们大家都变兴奋了。 When it came to the summer vacation, we all became excited.
每当谈到我开车违章判罪问题时,我妻子忍不住要以此事当面责备我。 Every time the subject of my motoring conviction comes up my wife can't help throwing it in my face.
我谈到的陆军方面, 如作适当变动, 也适用於海军. What I have said about the army also applies, mutatis mutandis, to the navy.
谈到批改我们的作业,老师总是让我们自己改。 As to correct our homework, the teacher always make us do it ourselves.
谈到他的情人时, 他的双眼闪烁着光芒。 Speaking of his lover, his eyes sparkled.