犯人从大门口的警卫身旁溜过逃走了. The prisoner slipped past the guards on the gate and escaped.
总统有六名警卫员时时刻刻在左右保卫. The President always has six bodyguards in close attendance.
总统的汽车由摩托车警卫护行. The President's car was flanked by motor-cycle outriders.
那些警卫都是残暴的野兽, 他们的首领是个魔鬼的化身. The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
他冒充警卫逃走了. He escaped by passing himself off as a guard.
他遇上了警卫犬, 把他吓坏了. His encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him.
防盗警报器一响,警卫就放出了警犬。 The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off.
有两个囚犯设计欺骗了警卫而逃走了. Two prisoners outwitted their guards and got away.
警察局说该局反对非执法人员私自执法,可是辖区警员及当地居民对该[警卫]公司的策略颇感兴趣。 The Police Department says it opposes vigilante justice, but officers on the beat and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company's tactics.