新闻编辑室新闻办公室、广播电台或电视台写作和编辑新闻的房间 A room, as in a newspaper office or radio or television station, where news stories are written and edited.
编辑把整段全删掉了. The editor struck out the whole paragraph.
编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻. Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news.
那个编辑在一篇社论中恶毒地攻击了反对派。 The editor got his claws into the opposition in a vicious editorial.
编辑删除了(文章的)最後一段. The editor deleted the last paragraph (from the article).
在编辑语言中,把若干值变换为由给定格式所规定的表示形式。 In programming languages, transforming values to the representations specified by a given format.
汇编指编辑好的一套数据、一篇报道或一部选集 Something, such as a set of data, a report, or an anthology, that is compiled.
我们的本周报纸要闻回顾由《时代》周刊编辑主持. Our review of this week's papers is presented by the editor of The Times'.
联编实用程序的简称,是一种能够实现联接和编辑的操作系统级的程序。参阅link-editor。 Short for binder utility, an operating-system program that performs binding.