她自称精通计算机,其实她是假充内行。 She claims to know all about computers but really she's a sham.
精通一门外语难不难? Is it difficult to feel at home in (ie confident when using) a foreign language?
段在东方武术中,黑腰带的级别精通达12级中的任一级,如柔道和空手道 Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.
他精通世界上的神秘宗教。 He is an expert on the world's mystical religions.
他精通人情世故。 He was learned in the ways of the world.
他显示了对阿拉伯语的精通。 He demonstrated a mastery of Arabic.
那个加拿大籍日本人两种语言都精通。 The Canadian-Japanese is at home in both languages.
杰克是一位精通中国古代经典著作的学者。 Jack is a scholar steeped in the classics of ancient China.