风笛是一种听起来很悦耳的乐器。 The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument.
他一听到汽笛声就立即走出船舱。 He made out of the cabin at once on hearing the siren.
这名士兵善于吹笛子。 The soldier was good at playing fife.
那孩子只顾著吹笛子. The child occupied himself in playing his flute.
这主调接著由笛子合奏. The melody is next taken up by the flutes.
他在用笛子吹奏一首老曲子。 He was playing an old tune on his flute.
他用笛子吹奏了欢快的曲调。 He played a delightful melody on his flute.
风笛的调旋律管其上能弹奏曲调的风笛管 The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played.
卡祖笛一种当吹奏者向吹口处低吟或哼唱时一个膜能够发出声音的玩具乐器 A toy instrument with a membrane that produces a sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece.