他的童年是压抑而孤独的。 His childhood was repressed and solitary.
他们幸福地度过童年。 They spend their childhood in happiness.
这个故事让我想起了我的童年。 This story reminds me of my childhood.
我听说有人能回忆起童年甚至婴儿时期的一些往事,但是我的过去依依稀稀,我确实记不清了。 I hear of people recalling incidents from their early childhood—and even their infancy—but my dim and distant past is very dim indeed to me.
在父母的慈爱的抚育下,我度过了幸福的童年。 I spent a happy childhood under the loving care of my parents.
我熟悉伦敦,那是我度过童年的地方。 I know London as the place where I spent my childhood.