这个城市因为各种桥梁而著称。 This city is noted for its various bridges.
我不相信她声称同我们友好。 I don't believe her profession of friendship for us.
他为我们介绍了花园中对称的布局。 He introduced to us the symmetrical arrangement of the garden.
他们爱举行戏称之为文学晚会的活动. They're fond of holding what are laughingly known as literary soirees.
她自称精通计算机,其实她是假充内行。 She claims to know all about computers but really she's a sham.
她因这一成绩而获得第三个冠军称号。 With this performance, she has notched up her third championship title.
占星家声称能预知祸福. Astrologers claim to be able to divine what the stars hold in store for us.
伦敦也被称为现代巴比伦。 London was also called the modern Babylon.
他总是称赞他的女儿。 He always speaks well of his daughter.
那个跳舞的人备受称赞。 The dancer was showered with praise.
老师们异口同声地称赞他。 The teachers praised him with one accord.
要洗的衣物须称过重量再放入洗衣机中. The load must be weighed before it is put in the washing-machine.
香瓜属植物任一种相关或类似植物的统称,如刺瓜和黄瓜 Any of several related or similar plants, such as the bur cucumber or the squirting cucumber.
他声称他可以使鬼魂现身. He claimed that he could make ghosts materialize.
西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而著称. Spain used to be famous for its strong armada.
由衷的称赞可鼓舞一个人的精神。 A sincere compliment boosts one's morale.
政府声称对失业表示关注纯属做做姿态。 The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy.
他声称他遭到抢劫. He made out that he had been robbed.
他在浴室的磅秤上称体重. He weighed himself on the bathroom scales.
唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。 The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality.
毫无疑问的他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。 He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan.
在交响乐曲的创作上,他堪称技艺大师。 In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman.
这一产品非常成功, 其名称已经家喻户晓. The product was so successful that its name became a household word.
她用欺骗手法取得了理科教员的职位,她谎称曾在大学读过书。 She got the job of science teacher by fraudulent means; she pretended she'd studied at university.
我们打算称呼她为黛安娜. We're going to call her Diana.
所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。 The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor.
CPC是中国共产党的英文名称缩写。 CPC stands for the Communist Party of China.
我肯定那店老板给我称土豆时 扣了分量. I'm sure the shopkeeper gave me short measure when she weighed out the potatoes.
广告称`聘请有积极性的年轻人任推销员'. The advertisementread Young self-starter wanted as salesperson'.
他自称是诗人。 He professed himself to be a poet.
并非每一对夫妻都相称。 Every couple is not pair.
这项新工作对我来说处处称心如意. This new job suits me to a T.
该文件据称是一项正式声明. The document purports to be an official statement.
公式计算语言的简称,应用不太广泛的一种高级程序设计语言。 An abbreviation for formula calculation language, a high-level programming language not too widely used.
这个词是一种野兽的名称。 This word denotes a certain kind of animal.
他的名字成了残酷无情的别称. His name has becomea byword for cruelty.
报纸称颂了他们的英雄事迹。 The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds.
首相对询问选举日期一事称尚未作出决定. Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister commented that no decision had yet been made.
他称霸天下。 His power sways the world.
新闻界收集,出版,传播或播送新闻的媒体和机构的总称 The entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news.
我们应该怎样称呼她呢? How should we style her?
比利时被称作欧洲战场。 Belgium has been called the cockpit of Europe.
给主教写信应该怎样称呼? What form of address should one use when writing to a bishop?
应该称呼他`先生'还是`牧师'? Should he be styled `Mr' or `Reverend'?
值得嘉奖的值得奖励或称赞的;具有价值的 Deserving reward or praise; having merit.
她把新歌剧院称作`那讨厌的庞然大物'. She calls the new opera house that hideous erection'.
假使《哈姆雷特》是今时写成的话,它可能会被称为《埃尔斯诺城的怪事》。 If Hamlet had been written in these days it will probably have been called the strange affair at Elsinore.
制造厂商的名称在盘子背面. The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate.
今晨发布的政府公报宣称.... A government communique, issued this morning, states that...
她公开声称她的抱负是要当政治家. Her declared ambition is to become a politician.
她沉住气没发脾气,这是值得称赞的。 It do her credit that she manage not to get angry.
他声称创造了新纪录, 那可大有争议. He made some very disputable claims about his record.
军方声称如内乱不平息将实行军管. The army is/are threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.
称号的与称号有关的,有称号性质的或构成一个称号的 Relating to, having the nature of, or constituting a title.
奖品,奖状称赞的某事,特别是官方的奖品或奖状 Something, especially an official award or citation, that commends.
半场某些体育比赛被划分成两个阶段,其中之一被称为半场 One of the two playing periods into which certain games are divided.
我曾经犯过不少错误,但从未犯过宣称自己未犯过错误的错误。 I have made mistakes, but I have never made the mistake of claiming that I never made one.
这罐头起子号称是一项非常好的发明,但实际上它很不好用。 It is claimed that this tin-opener is a very good invention, but in practice it's not easy to use.
对任何一件东西都要以正确的名称来称呼的人,几乎不可能走过马路而不被人作为共同的敌人来打倒的吧。 A man that should call everything by its right name, would hardly pass the streets without being knocked down as a common enemy.
他宣称蔑视钱财。 He claims to despise riches.
与你的财力相称的价格 Prices to fit your pocketbook.
海明威常用第一人称写作。 Hemingway often writes in the first person.
不对称的,不匀称的失去平衡或对称性的 Having no balance or symmetry.
镇上的面粉场主以优质面粉著称。 The town miller was famous for his excellent flour.
由于他打死了不少狼,他享有模范猎手的称号。 He holds the title of model hunter for the number of wolves he has killed.
先知先觉的人们自称在某个领域受过特别启示的人 People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject.
警方声称这男子是被谋杀的,但未提出任何证据。 The police alleged that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.
英国邮局直接转帐制度称为全国邮政通汇转帐制. The British Post Office giro system is called the National Giro/Girobank.
又名,亦称 Also known as.
我们都称赞了她烹饪技术的高超。 We all praised the excellence of her cooking.
我今天在磅秤上称的体重为100磅。 I weighed in at100 pounds on the scale today.
罗马的喷泉以其建筑之美而著称. The fountains of Rome are famed for their architectural beauty.
她为抛弃婴儿事辩称自己抚养不起. She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
渔民和水手有时声称看到过海里的妖怪。 Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
不列颠是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的简称。 Britain is a brief name of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
全是狂人,不过,凡是能够分析自己的妄想者就被称为哲学家。 All are lunatics, but he who can analyze he delusion is called a philosopher.
全面的,全对称晶形的具有在给定的晶体系统中全面对称的全部平面的 Having as many planes as required for complete symmetry in a given crystal system.
部分能量能以与它主要传播方向相反的方向从一个机械部件传到另一个机械部件,那就是我们所称的反馈。 Part of the energy can be transferred from one part of a mechanism to another, in a direction opposite to its main flow. That's what we call feedback.
微小表微小的后缀、单词或名称 A diminutive suffix, word, or name.
我的名字叫亚历山大,简称“亚尔”。 My name is Alexander,"Al" for short.
名称,称号(用于区分的)名字或头衔 A distinguishing name or title.
他们是这样宣称的,但他们有证据吗? So they alleged, but have they any proof?
我叫丹尼·琼斯。不过我用教名的略称:丹。 I am Daniel Jones, but I go by my nickname, Dan.
针对人或财产的民事不规行为称之为“侵权”。 Civil wrong against persons or property is called"torts".
诗歌、小说和剧本的写作常常被称作创作。 The writing of poems, stories or plays is often called creative writing.
我的秤准确无误,太太。可是你称过你的小儿子了吗? My scales are all right, madam. Have you weighted your little boy?
矛盾,不相符不符合或不一致,如在事实和宣称之间;差异 Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference.
联编实用程序的简称,是一种能够实现联接和编辑的操作系统级的程序。参阅link-editor。 Short for binder utility, an operating-system program that performs binding.
我摸过巴台农神殿中楣石柱的复制品,我意识到向前冲锋的的雅典武士的匀称和谐美。 I have felt copies of Parthenon Friezes, and I have sensed the rhythmic beauty of charging Athenian warriors.
其功能可以利用程序建立或改变的,有时也称智能的(例如“一个可编程终端”,“一个可编程的机床”)。 Also, sometimes, intelligent. With a function that can be established or changed by means of a program;("a programmable terminal";"a programmable machine tool").
除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".