他把硬币倒过来,仔细检查。 He reversed the coin and examined it carefully.
他用手把硬币捧了起来. He scooped the coins up in his hands.
我们的队扔硬币赢了, 因此由我们队先开球。 Our team won the toss so we play first.
他往投币孔投入一枚硬币。 He put a coin into the insertion slot.
我们来抛硬币决定谁先走吧,你是要正面还是要反面? Let's flip a coin to decide who should go first - do you want heads or tails?
英国硬币的正面有女王的头像. The head of the Queen appears on the obverse of British coins.
我在银行拿十块钱的纸币兑换了零钱,因为我需要一些硬币投入自动售票机。 I changed a ten-yuan note at the bank, because I needed some coins for the ticket machine.
只有一个枕头--我跟你掷硬币决定谁用吧. There's only one pillow I'll toss you for it.
反面反面,如硬币的反面 The reverse side, as of a coin.
旧硬币已经收回不再流通了. The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation.
硬币滚到钢琴的下面了。 The coin rolled underneath the piano.
铸造在硬币上的文字已经磨损. The inscription on the coin had worn away.
他在去糖果店的路上,把钱掉到地上了,硬币沿着人行道滚动,掉进阴沟里去了。 On him way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain.
我听到了他口袋里叮当碰撞的硬币声。 I heard the clink of coins in his pockets.
我们把硬币一掷(如以此法决定某事), 落下後是漫面朝上. We tossed a coin (eg to decide sth by chance) and it came down heads.