每个人都是注定要死的。 Everyone is doomed to die.
我没有注意到他已经走了。 I failed to note that he had left.
她很快成为大家注意的人物。 She soon becomes the centre of attention.
我们应该多注意危险的思想意识对年轻人的影响。 We should pay more attention to the infection of young people with dangerous ideologies.
那吗啡是注射进去的. The morphine was administered by injection.
这孩子专注地听着童话故事。 The child devours fairy tales.
他的热情给公司注入了新的生命。 His enthusiasm breathed new life into the company.
这件事不久引起了一些领导同志的注意。 The matter was soon brought to the notice of some leading comrades.
他呆在幕后为了避开公众的注意。 He stayed in the background to escape from the public attention.
这比那个大一倍。(注意:as large again as是…的两倍,比…大一倍) It is as large again as that.
这时她注意到书记走了进来。 At this moment she noticed the secretary coming in.
她指导实习护士练习注射. She instructed the trainee nurses in giving injections.
注意你的举止, 别闹出笑话来。 Behave yourself; don't make a fool of yourself.
医生给她注射以减轻疼痛. The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.
请注意这两个词之间的区别。 Please pay attention to the difference between the two words.
他们突然的攻击使我们更加注意我们周围的危险。 Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around us.
这间屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。 The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
不断增长的失业大军引起了这名经济学家的关注。 The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.
政府声称对失业表示关注纯属做做姿态。 The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy.
蚊子会吸我们的血。更糟的是,它会把毒注入我们的体内。 The mosquito will suck our blood. What's even worse, it will inject poison into our bodies.
他下的赌注连续获胜才挽回了损失. He retrieved his losses by betting on a succession of winners.
一名匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒则抢劫银行。 One of the gang create a diversion in the street while the others rob the bank.
董事会注意到维持有效通讯的需要,因此决定建立一个新的通信网。 Mindful of the need to maintain efficient communication, the board of directors decided to construct a new communication network.
注意你的浮子! Pay attention to your float!
一阵喧闹声转移了我们的注意力。 A loud noise diverted my attention.
你们公司的海关注册号码是多少? What's your company's registration number in customs?
你应当时时刻刻注意礼节. It behoves you (ie You ought) to be courteous at all times.
起初谁都没有注意到小孩不见了. At first nobody noticed the child's disappearance.
他怒目注视著她. He fixed her with an angry stare.
他没注意到她的赞美。 He does not pay attention her praising.
你应该多注意一点仪表. You should take more pride in your appearance.
她轻轻地咳了一声好引起我注意。 She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention.
她坐在角落里注视著我的一举一动. She sat in the corner, watching my every move.
就我而论,注重仪表使我自信。 For my own part, being nice about appearance keeps me confident.
我已经注意到这幅画中色彩的层次。 I have noticed the subtle gradation in colour in this painting.
当别人注意他时,他就会退缩一旁。 He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him.
注重尊严的人都会轻视那种行为。 All people with a sense of decency will look down upon such conduct as that.
他们的越洋冒险旅行引起了公众的注意。 Their perilous journey across the ocean has attracted public attention.
世人未必全都爱自己的爱人,但世人全都在注视他。 All the world may not love a lover but all the world watch him.
这部影片分散了我的注意力, 让我暂时忘记了这些难题. The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while.
在晚报的一则广告里,他促请大家注意他新进的货物。 In an advertisement in the evening paper, he calls public attention to his new stock of goods.
她以怀疑的眼光注视著我. She stared at me with unbelieving eyes.
小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去. The thief slid out (of the door) while no one was looking.
我很欣赏他对工作的极端专注。 I really appreciate his complete absorption in his work.
我们必须对那个神秘的陌生人严加注意。 We must pay special attention to the mysterious stranger.
注射为了医学目的通过血管将一种溶液注入体内 Introduction of a solution into the body through a vein for therapeutic purposes.
他注视著那些语句, 茫然不解. He stared at the words in complete puzzlement.
危险: 叶片旋转, 注意安全. Danger: rotating blades.
过分关注某事的;心不在焉的 Excessively concerned with something; distracted.
现在分娩时常用硬膜外注射. Epidurals are now often used during childbirth.
她紧紧地、 目不转睛地、 好奇地...注视著他. She regarded him closely, intently, curiously, etc.
大气球注入压缩空气後, 几秒钟就充足了气. With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds.
我所问的那个家伙起先一声也不响,上下打量我,注意到我衣衫褴褛,然后他说:“稍等一会儿。” The fellow I spoke to made no answer at first, looked me up and down, noticed that I was almost in rags, then said," Just a minute."
有的人一面读书一面做注解。 Some people annotate as they read.
我们应该更注重心理健康。 We should pay more attention to our mental health.
有些学校极注重语言学习. Some schools put/lay/place great emphasis on language study.
她睁大眼睛注视他。 She stared at him with wide eyes.
现在请注意它的商标。 Now pay attention its brand please.
他们密切注意那个强盗。 They kept a wary eye on the robber.
你注意到了这一点是够机灵的。 It was very sharp of you to have noticed that.
一幅异乎寻常的画引起了他的注意. An unusual painting arrested his attention.
讲解员要我们注意另一幅画. The guide directed our attention to the other picture.
他全神注视着这片金黄色的景色。 On this golden prospect all his attention was now fixed.
那消息给加了花边,使之更加引人注目。 The news was boxed in to draw more attention.
注意间隔, 否则这个标题一行排不下. Be careful with your spacing or you won't get the heading on one line.
我装着没有注意到他已经变得多么沉静了。 I pretended not to notice how quiet he had become.
注解,注释,评注评注或注解的行为或过程 The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes.
希望你对此给予关注。 I hope you will pay attention to this problem.
我们应该密切注意财务问题. We must take a hard look at our finances.
他总想成为注意力的焦点。 He always wants to be the focus of attention.
你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。 Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable.
这故障数月来未引起注意. The fault escaped observation (ie was not spotted) for months.
我们已注意到温度的波动情形. We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.
千方百计振兴渔业注定徒劳无功. All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure.
那项令人赞赏的发现注定由他完成。 It was reserved for him to make the admirable discovery.
我们全神贯注地倾听她讲的惊人故事。 We listened to her amazing story with rapt attention.
该杂志对防务内幕的透露引起了极大的关注。 The magazine's disclosure of defense secrets caused great attention.
一切想维护殖民主义的企图都是注定要失败的。 All attempts to bolster up colonialism are bound to fail.
在国会里,地方税收问题似乎又成了引人注意的问题。 The question of local taxation seems to come again to the front in the Congress.
精心制作的对众多部分或细节给予精心注意的计划或制作的 Planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details.
我已经注意到有些雇员上班迟到一个小时. 我不点出名字来, 但是要是你觉得我说的是你.... I have noticed some employees coming to work an hour late. I shall name no names, but if the cap fits....
脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目 A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
勿孤注一掷。 Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
公司绝不愿将自己的信誉孤注一掷。 The company would do anything but risk their prestige at stake.
铸造车间熔化金属并将之注入模子的地方 An establishment in which metal is melted and poured into molds.
除了他那颇为古怪的口音以外, 我没注意到别的. I didn't notice anything beyond his rather strange accent.
抽头扑克牌戏中每一次赌注的一部分凑集成的钱 A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game.
人道主义,博爱精神对人类福利的关注,尤指通过慈善活动表现出来的 Concern for human welfare, especially as manifested through philanthropy.
贝蒂穿着最好的服装来参加聚会,她理所当然地引起了广泛的注意。 Betty came to the party dressed to kill and she certainly was the center of attention.
注意,油漆未干! Mind the wet paint!
命中注定他得死於贫困. Fate had ordained that he should die in poverty.
这所学校有800名学生注册. This school has an enrolment of 800 pupils.
紧迫的强求立即的行动和关注的;急迫的 Compelling immediate action or attention; pressing.
这些注释有助於弄清文中最难懂的部分。 The note help to elucidate the most difficult parts of the text.
醒目的引人注意的和给人深刻印象的;引人注目的 Attracting and holding the attention; striking.
由於受感染的风险很大,无菌注射针的使用受到了重视。 The high risk of infection put a premium on the use of sterile needle.
在树林中走了一个小时而没有见到什么值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢? How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note?
附注列在一篇文章、一个章节或一本书尾的注解,对文中指定部分做评论或引述参考书 A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
坐在窗边的那个老家伙不太引人注目—人们记不起他是什么时候开始就每天晚上光顾这家酒吧。 That old fellow by the window is part of the furniture—he's been coming in this pub every night for longer than anyone can remember.