那家破产的银行正被法院调查。 The bank of bankruptcy is investigated by the court.
首席书记官某些法院中的最高书记官 The principal clerk in certain courts of law.
上诉法院宣布少年法院发出的照看命令无效。 The appeal court quash the care order make by the juvenile court.
处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。 The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.
法院已经发布了禁止他们罢工一个月的禁令。 The court has issued an injunction forbidding them to strike for a month.
我们曾请求法院调查。 We made an application to the court for an inquiry.
她不服判决而向高等法院上诉。 She appealed to the high court against her sentence.
它已经超出法院的权限。 It has beyond the competence of the court.
法院将法定损害赔偿金判给了她. The court adjudged legal damages to her.
法院判给伤者5000英镑损害赔偿费. The court awarded 5000 (in) damages to the injured man.
他的律师决定向高一级法院上诉。 His lawyer decided to take an appeal to a higher court.
法院判定她有罪. The court adjudged her (to be) guilty.
该法院没有审理该案的资格。 The court is not competent to try the case.
法院准予公司有两周的延缓执行判决的时间。 The court granted the company a two weeks stay of execution.
必须在7日内将答辩寄给法院和另一方当事人。 The defence must be sent to court and to the other party within seven days.
法院匆促做出的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏. The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial.
某人能去请求改变判决的民事法院或刑事法院。这两种法院的裁决对高等法院和下级法院全都有拘束力。 Civil or criminal court to which a person may go to ask for a sentence to be changed and of which the decision be binding on the high court and lower court.