几天前,这些歹徒被逮捕了。 These bandits were arrested several days ago.
他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费。 He was paying out half his profits as protection.
他向警方提供情报而遭那群歹徒毒打. He'd been worked over by the gang for giving information to the police.
持枪歹徒把两个孩子扣押在这座建筑物里当作人质. The gunman is holding two children hostage in the building.
歹徒们冲进酒吧胡乱扫射一通。 The gangster run into the bar and start shooting it up.
大多数歹徒最终都落得个不好的下场。 Most gangsters come to a sticky end eventually.
当局悬赏缉拿歹徒. The authorities put a price on the outlaw's head.
成群的歹徒犯法後栖身於树林中. Bands of outlaws lived in the forest.
成群的歹徒犯法后栖身于荒山中。 Bands of outlaws lived in the desolate mountains after breaking the laws.