他渴望拥有权力。 He was thirsty for power.
真正的权力属于人民。 The real power resides in the people.
这是这一科的权威性课本. This is the standard textbook on the subject.
社会有权要求人们守法。 Society has a right to expect people to obey the law.
在新政权下,事情将会发生变化。 Things will change under the new regime.
他有权威,但并不想控制别人。 He has authority, but he doesn't try to dominate others.
你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部分税金。 You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.
新法令授予警察可以在街上截停任何人的权利。 The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street.
我们正考虑在这样的事情上给他们更多的发言权。 We are considering giving them greater say in such matters.
他们支持日本接管德国以前在山东省的所有权益。 They supported Japan's take over of all the former German interests in Shandong Province.
这件事情在他的管辖权限之内。 This affair is within his jurisdiction.
谁掌握国家的最高权力? Who holds sovereign power in the state?
贵国是什么时候实行普选权的? When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?
她是语音学权威. She's an authority on phonetics.
他们侵犯了她的权力。 They infringed on her rights.
主动权已转到我方. The initiative has passed to us.
自由是我们与生俱来的权利 Freedom is our birthright.
他在脑中权衡着这些想法。 He weighed the ideas in his mind.
他获得了这项发明的专利权。 He got a patent for this invention.
选择权已不在他们手中了。 The choice is no longer in their disposition.
如果你被捕,你有权保持沉默。 If you are arrested you have the right to remain silent.
他继承了那片庄园及其一切特权. He inherited the manor and all its appurtenances.
从右边驶来的车辆享有优先通行权. Vehicles coming from the right have priority.
决定大选的日期是首相的特权。 It's the Prime Minister's prerogative to decide when to call an election.
他们因对手权柄在握, 反抗也没用. Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist.
他号召工人为争取自己的权利而斗争。 He called on the workers to fight for their rights.
法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。 Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties.
经理拥有居于高职位所具备的职责和特权。 The manager has the duties and privileges appertaining to his high office.
工会说他们将采取行动维护会员的工作权益。 The union said that they would take action to defend their member's jobs.
对于这项建议,五人投票赞成,八人反对,两人弃权。 Five members voted for the proposal, eight voted against, and two abstained.
利用权力压服别人并非永远是上策, 运用说服方法或许更为可取. Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.
我买了一本关于神权自使徒传至教皇及其他主教的一脉相承的书。 I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops.
所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件 The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.
他有外交豁免权。 He has diplomatic immunity.
分支机构的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权. Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.
哪一方将获得控制权? Which side will get the mastery?
违反一项合同;侵犯专利权 Infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
版权在作者死後50年即行终止. Copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author.
琼在从事争取妇女平等权力的活动。 Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women.
神迹,启示上帝的权力、能力、显现或面貌 The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
由於将军未能当机立断, 我军已丧失对敌采取行动的主动权. Because of the general's indecisiveness,our armies have lost the initiative to the enemy.
一位研究蜘蛛的权威对英国南部的一块草坪上的蜘蛛作了一次统计。 One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England
警察组成这样一个部门的一群人,他们被专门训练来掌握执行法律和防止并侦破犯罪行为的方法,被授予维护一个社区的和平、安全和秩序的职权 A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.
权利和职责是分不开的. Rights are inseparable from duties.
你一定要维护自己的权利. You must stand up for your rights.
要求承认某些权利. There is a call for the concession of certain rights.
将军被授予最高权力。 The general was girded with the supreme power.
出版社侵犯了他的版权。 The publishing house infringed his copyright.
它已经超出法院的权限。 It has beyond the competence of the court.
戴着的皇冠是王权的象征。 A diadem was worn as sign of royal power.
因为滥用权力,他被开除了。 Because of misuse of power, he was dismissed.
宪法授予总统宣战权。 The constitution vests the president with the power to declare war.
该政权是靠外国援助维持著的. The regime had been propped up by foreign aid.
统治权一国对于他国之支配权力 The predominant influence of one state over others.
报纸的报道往往不尊重私人权利. Newspapers often don't respect the individual's right to privacy.
我已经足够大了,有权去做我喜欢做的事。 I'm old enough to have the freedom to do as I like.
人民受著凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫. The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.
最贫贱的劳动者享有和最富的地主同样的权利. The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest landowner.
该快餐店通过出售联营经销权而扩大了生意。 That fast food business have expanded through the sale of franchise.
该委员会的建立不合规定, 因而没有合法的权力. The committee had been improperly constituted, and therefore had no legal power.
那个政权一直是受到若干垄断资本家的支持而维持着的。 The regime has been propped up by several monopoly capitalists.
为了能按照她认为合适的方法去整顿这一部门,经理授予她自由行动的权力。 The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit.
最后公民们奋起反抗残忍的统治者们,将他们逐出国,并夺取了政权。 The citizens at last rebelled against their cruel rulers, drove them from the country and took power themselves.
她再与也不会干涉你了,你有了独立自主权,你已经有了你自己出入大门的钥匙。 She won't interfere with you any more; your independence is achieved and you have won your latchkey.
私商,无照营业者侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动 One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.
执照,奖状赋予某种荣誉和特权的证书 A certificate conferring a privilege or honor.
你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。 You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.
总统因近来被揭露涉嫌金融权益问题而成为丑闻的主角。 The President is at the center of a recent scandal over revelation about his financial interests.
人们有权通过这些田地吗? Is there a right of way across these fields?
市长的权杖是权威的象征。 The mayor has a mace which is held as a sign of authority.
在权力斗争中我们只是一批小卒。 We are mere pawns in the struggle for power.
那个腐朽的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解。 The decadent puppet regime was falling apart.
反对[抵制]新政权的某些势力仍然存在. Pockets of opposition/resistance to the new regime still remained.
古代的庇护特权转移到了基督教的教堂。 The ancient privilege of sanctuary was transferred to the Christian temple.
那政权被推翻以後, 有一段时期是无政府状态. The overthrow of the regime was followed by a period of anarchy.
宣言,公告官方或权威性的宣布;公告或法令 An official or authoritarian declaration; a proclamation or an edict.
主权,统治权王子或王侯的地位、权力或司法权;主权 The position, authority, or jurisdiction of a prince; sovereignty.
主权,统治管辖或统治,尤指英国对印度的统治(1757-1947年) Dominion or rule, especially the British rule over India(1757-1947).
自由思想家(尤指在宗教思想方面)拒绝了权威和教条主义,赞同理性的探究和思索的人 One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚 An Australian-administered island in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java. It was annexed by Great Britain in1888 and came under Australian sovereignty in1958.
我们有权处置的基金 Funds at our disposal.
强制的权力或能力 Power or ability to coerce.
他的所有权是无效的. His claim to ownership is invalid.
他同意我有权上诉. He allowed that I had the right to appeal.
超越职权范围做某事 Go beyond one's duty in doing sth.
那土地的所有权有争议. The ownership of the land is disputed.
领袖必须是有权威的人. The leader must be a person of authority.
权限,职权这样授予的权力 The authority so granted.
她放弃了这辆车的所有权. She disclaimed ownership of the vehicle.
胜者有选择奖品的优先权. The winner has first pick of the prizes.
我们有权搜查这座建筑物. We have the authority to search this building.
全国人民确认了他的王权. The country acknowledged his claim to the throne.
他的声音中带有权威的口气。 His voice carries the ring of authority.
人们的权益是受法律保护的。 The rights of the people are protected by law.
我反对我们的隐私权受到侵害。 I object to our privacy being invaded.
这些权利不受新法规的影响。 These rights are unaffected by the new laws.
人们有集会和发表言论的权利。 People have the rights of assembly and expression.
他就人权问题提出的抗议听来很空洞。 His protests on human rights sound hollow.
必须对警方的权限作出明确的规定。 The powers of the police need to be clearly defined.
我们所珍视的权利之一是言论自由。 One of our cherished privileges is the right of free speech.
无表决权的股票与有投票地位同等。 The non- voting share rank equally with the voting share.
教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。 The Pope has no temporal power in modern society.
这位老人是小麦病虫害方面的权威。 This old man is a leading authority on wheat diseases.
在这条街上停车是此处居民特有的权利. Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents.
我们把权力下放, 各省就有更多的自主权. If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy.
英国的政治以往是有产阶级的特权. Politics in Britain used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes.
违法,犯罪对于别人法律权利的侵犯或侵害 An invasion or a violation of another's legal rights.
该诗仍然享有版权, 因此你必须支付引用费. The poem is still under copyright, so you have to pay to quote it.
经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利. They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord.
这家人持有可以证明他们享有所有权的文件. The family possessed documents that proved their right to ownership.
我们为在村中保留一所学校这一权利进行请愿. We're petitioning for our right to keep a school in our village.
行政国家在行使其权力或义务过程中的活动 The activity of a sovereign state in the exercise of its powers or duties.
他们进行反对特权的斗争以便建立较为公平的社会. They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society.
他相信,教育不应该是某一限定人数的特权。 It is his belief that education should not be the privilege of a limited number of people.
英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得公正审判的权利. One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial.
当他得知对手是谁时,他立即断了想获取权力的念头。 His idea of winning power quickly toppled down when he learned who his opponent was.
记住,靠近大桥时开慢一些,迎面来的车流有先行权。 Remember to ease up as you approach the bridge; oncoming traffic has the right of way.
正式确认向有权威的证人正式确认以保证法律上的有效性 A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity.
特命全权公使派驻国外使馆的特命全权使节,仅低于大使 A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador.
大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是一股潮流。 The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.
一种重要的处理过程,其中最高优先权处理任务常常由具有优先度的实时任务形成,经过使用中断而进入较低优先权任务或后台处理任务。 An important processing procedure in which top-priority processing most often results from real-time entries which usually have precedence, through the use of interrupts into lower-priority or background processing.
职权的弊端 Abuse of power.
资方有权拒绝接纳. The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
他们行使了内阁否决权。 They carried the ministerial veto.
我希望你们权衡一下一切利弊。 I want you to consider all the pros and cons.
他因滥用职权而破坏了政治声誉。 His political reputation was tainted by his abuse of the power.
对于非授权用户其意义是隐蔽的数据。 Data whose meaning is concealed from unauthorized users.
警察分局位于管区内并对其行使管辖权的警察局 The police station situated in and having jurisdiction over such a district.
北约对这个独立的国家的侵略是对人权的野蛮侵犯。 NATO's invasion of this independent country is a brutal violation of human rights.
公社主义公社所有权的信仰或实践,如对商品和财产 Belief in or practice of communal ownership, as of goods and property.
地方法官拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中有司法权的司法官中的地方成员 A local member of the judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases.
霍勒斯沾沾自喜于自己的权力。他就是那个拉动响鞭发号令的是暴徒,是头子。 Horace was relishing his power. He was the tough, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip.
1979年这个期限临近了,最初支持平等权利修正案的一些州后来改变了主意,投票反对这个法案。 As the1979 deadline came nearer, some states which at first had backed up the Equal Right Amendment changed their mind and voted against it.
中立船证由联盟的外国政府颁发给船只的一种官方文件,尤指战时授权中立商船在特定水城内自由进出和航行的文件 An official document issued by an allied foreign government to a ship, especially a neutral merchant ship in time of war, authorizing it to enter and travel through certain waters freely.
在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输给未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。 In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled.
她出身於特权阶层. She came from a privileged background.
英国国民18岁始有选举权. UK nationals get the vote at 18.
急欲获得的妄想权力或荣誉的;嫉妒的 Covetous of power or honor; envious.
法官职位,法官权力法官的职位或权力(权限) The office or jurisdiction of a judge.
从属的,下级的等级、权力或威望低的;附属的 Lower in rank, power, or authority; subordinate.
通行证可以自由出入的许可、票证或权力 A permit, a ticket, or an authorization to come and go at will.
独裁统治者一个有着无限权利的统治者;专制者 A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.
管理,统治在一个政治单位里权力的行使;统治 Exercise of authority in a political unit; rule.
专制如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威 Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority.
确认确认他人的存在、有效性、权威或权力 Recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right.
针对人或财产的民事不规行为称之为“侵权”。 Civil wrong against persons or property is called"torts".
解放运动为某一个团体谋求平等权利的运动;解放 A movement that seeks to achieve equal rights for a group; liberation.
在史蒂文森教授巡回讲演期间,由琼斯助教全权代表。 During Prof. Stevenson's absence on a lecture tour, Assistant Prof. Jones acted for him.
土地的,耕地的;土地所有制的关于土地和土地所有制、耕种和使用权的 Relating to or concerning the land and its ownership, cultivation, and tenure.
已签发了他的逮捕令(治安法官签署的命令,它给予警察逮捕罪犯的权力。 A magistrate have sign a warrant, give the police the power to arrest someone for a crime.
计算机或某个工作站为获得线路控制权以进行数据传输的一种企图。参阅BID。 An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data.
至于动力方式是采用“蒸气式”抑或“柴油式”,我想贵公司将交由我方全权处理吧? And the propulsion method whether steam or diesel, you'll leave to us, I suppose?
水门事件包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背公众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图防碍司法的丑闻 A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice.
治安官管辖权和管辖范围都小于县治安官的治安官,有权送达传票及逮捕(搜查)令并可以施行逮捕 A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests.
埃米特,罗伯特1778-1803爱尔兰爱国主义者,他为爱尔兰天主教的权利而战,在反对英国的事件中,因失败而被处决 Irish patriot who fought for the rights of Irish Catholics and was executed for his part in a bungled uprising against the British.
其他共和国现在公开抱怨新俄罗斯帝国主义,同时以前的那些头儿们也假惺惺地为违反“人权”一掬同情之泪。 Leaders of other republics mutter openly now about a new Russian imperialism, while former chieftains shed crocodile tears over the violation of"human rights."
民事的,民法的关于个人隐私权及相关于这些权利的法律诉讼程序的,区别于刑事的、军事的或国际的条例或诉讼程序 Relating to the rights of private individuals and legal proceedings concerning these rights as distinguished from criminal, military, or international regulations or proceedings.
计算机程序、例程、或子例程内的具有如下功能的任何指令,执行这条指令后控制权将不再由该计算机程序、例程、或子例程行使了。 Any instruction in a computer program, in a routine, or in a subroutine after the execution of which control is no longer exercised by that computer program, that routine, or that subroutine.
不过,任何解决[苏联经济失调]办的法都受到权力危机的影响,在改革与开放,经济与政治之间产生一种自相矛盾僵持不下的情况:任何振兴经济的办法不过煽起民众的忿怒并损及政府威信而已。 Any solution [to Soviet economic malaise], however, is hostage to the crisis of authority, creating a catch-22 stalemate between perestroika and glasnost, between economics and politics: any measure to shore up the economy only fans public anger and reduces the authority of the Government.