她无疑是本市最好的律师。 She is easily the best lawyer in the city.
练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。 You'd better set a goal before you start the drill.
既然你无法回答这个问题,我们最好再问问别人。 Since you can't answer the question, perhaps we'd better ask someone else.
【谚】东也好,西也好,还是家最好。 East or west, home is best.
什么是解决这个问题的最好方法? What's the best way to tackle this problem?
你最好听听我要说些什么。 You had better hear what I'll say.
就英语作文而言,练习是最好的方法。 So far as English composition is concerned, practice is the best way.
碎骨是最好的肥料之一。 Crushed bones make one of the best fertilizers.
采取任何你认为最好的措施。 Take whatsoever measures you consider best.
你最好替我们去问问有没有房间。 You had better see about rooms for us.
大家认为最好暂时放弃这个想法。 It was thought best to drop the idea for the time being.
你最好不要碰这些衣服,好避免传染病。 You'd better not touch these coats to avoid contagion.
无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。 Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.
一个学生犯了错误不要光去责备他,我们最好帮助他改正错误。 Instead of railing at a student for his mistakes, we had better help him to correct them.
信中夹钞票最好寄挂号. It's wise to register letters containing banknotes.
据说法国人是世界上最好的园丁。 It is said that the Frenchman may be the best gardener in the world.
最好的队员都投奔大俱乐部去了,留给他们这些不怎么样的球员。 The best players have gone off to the big clubs, leaving them the dross.
我们最好在树篱下躲一躲等雨停。 We had better get under the lee of the hedge until the rain stops.
我看最好还是给你做些化验。 I think we'd better give you a few test.
最好保持冷静。 The best thing is to keep cool.
最好是不服用药物自然入睡。 It is better to sleep naturally than taking medicine.
你最好给电线裹上绝缘胶布。 You'd better put some insulating tape on electric wires.
弱者被逼太甚,也会进行抗争,你最好还是给她一条出路。 Even a worm will turn. You had better give her a way out.
你可曾想到被你最好的朋友出卖? Did it ever occur to you to be betrayed by your best friend?
可能下雨--你最好带把伞, 以防万一(下起来). It may rain you'd better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does).
这个男孩非常机灵,是我最好的徒弟—任何东西我只需教他一遍就行了。 He's as clever as paint, that boy, and the best apprentice I ever had—I never had to show or tell him anything more than once.
"告诉你的朋友们你一天吃不了三大餐。""我可不想使他们不高兴,最好还是入乡随俗-何况只有一周的时间。" "Just tell your friends you can't eat three enormous meals a day." "I wouldn't like to offend them. When in Rome, better do as the Romans do-especially as it's only for a week."
雨伞在冬季最好卖. Umbrellas sell best in winter.
最好的导体是银,铜居第二。 The best conductor is silver. Copper comes next.
你最好不要冒险投资这么多。 You had better not invest so much money at your peril.
他最好发奋图强,否则会失去工作。 He had better clean up his act, or he will be out of a job.
如果我们想准时到达那里,我们最好加快速度。 We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.
他的书对这一问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。 His book is the best on the subject after mine.
你最好把我的书给我,否则我的测验将要不及格了。 You'd better give me my book, otherwise I'll fail my test.
没有任何指示,我只能按我认为最好的方法去做了。 Failing instructions I did what I thought was best.
即便是在管理最好的家庭,事故有时也会发生的。 Accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families.
那个德国姑娘在100米比赛中刷新了自己以往最好的成绩. The German girl improved on her previous best performance in the 100 metres.
他最好的乐曲创作灵感来自怀念他的母亲。 His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.
如果领子不牢稳,你最好用别针把它别住。 If the collar won't stay in place, you'd better pin it back.
你最好变换一下饮食,不要总吃同样的东西。 It's better to vary your diet rather than eat the same things all the time.
孩子们经常有他们自己的天地,你最好不要干涉他们的事。 Children are often in a world by themselves. You'd better not interfere in their business.
他为他的案子聘了该州最好的律师。 He retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case.
在聚会上, 你最好同你的对手和睦相处。 It is better to be at peace with your rivals at the party.
大多数人都以他们最好的朋友的自卑感为乐。 Most people enjoy the inferiority of their best friend.
他们聘请了能请到的最好的律师为他们陈述案情. They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case.
贝蒂穿着最好的服装来参加聚会,她理所当然地引起了广泛的注意。 Betty came to the party dressed to kill and she certainly was the center of attention.
巴鲁克先生讲述了他所认为的禁止抽鸦片烟的最好方法,大家都热烈赞同。 Mr Baruch stated what he thought the best method of suppressing opium smoking and the people heartily entered into his views.
她要买店里最好的水果而(跟店主)讨价还价. She dickered (with the shopkeeper) for the best fruit.
他以为他的构思最好,可是还是差了一点;它只得了二等奖。 He thought his idea was the best, but it was a near miss; it only won second prize.
回想一下工人阶级生活的一些惯例:就拿衣服来说,坚持穿最好的衣服。 Recall for a moment some of the routines of working-class life; as to clothes, the persistence of the Sunday suit.