咱们考虑一下搬家的利弊吧。 Let's consider the pluses and minuses of moving house.
我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。 I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.
吉姆在物理考试中作弊却逃避了惩罚, 麦克则受到责备。 Jim got away with cheating in the physics test, while Mike was scolded.
她因考试抄袭作弊而受到处罚. She was punished for copying during the examination.
如果你作弊,考试及格也没什么价值。 There is little merit in passing the examination if you cheated.
这件事上,利远大于弊。 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages in this case.
我们大家都认为考试作弊是不对的。 We all consider it wrong to cheat in examinations.
正在制定处理这种弊端的新法令。 New laws to deal with this abuse are in the pipeline.
你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。 You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.
暴力犯罪仅仅是危害社会的弊病之一。 Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.
职权的弊端 Abuse of power.
考试作弊必予追究. If you cheat in the exam you'll never get away with it.
这是两种弊病中较轻的。 This is the lesser evil of the two.
我希望你们权衡一下一切利弊。 I want you to consider all the pros and cons.
倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。 If we interfere, it may do more harm than good.
成名的弊端之一是失去了私人活动自由。 One of the penalties of fame is loss of privacy.
我认为失业是我们社会最为严重的弊病. I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil.
这些弊病是由于缺乏一个稳定的政府而引起的。 The evils ensue from lack of a stable government.
那个卑鄙小人在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。 A fight break out because that scumbag cheat at poker.
酗酒成性的人承认饮酒过度是弊多利少,他这样说实际是自己打自己的嘴巴。 By admitting that excessive drinking does more harm than good, the man who indulged in the practice was condemned out of his own mouth.