我不愿意在交通高峰时间出去。 I don't like to go out during the rush hour.
他们在恶劣的天气条件下登上了山的顶峰。 They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions.
他已经登上事业的顶峰。 He has reached the pinnacle of his career.
他已经达到了他事业的顶峰。 He has reached the zenith of his career.
登圣母峰绝不是一次轻松的旅途。 Climbing Mt. Everest is anything but a pleasure trip.
伦敦运输公司在交通高峰时 间增开加班列车. London Transport run extra trains during the rush-hour.
壮丽的山峰 Proud alpine peaks.
向顶峰攀登时身上都热起来了。 It was a warm climb to the summit.
早晨八九点钟是交通的高峰时刻. Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.
山山峰或丘陵,尤其用在山名的正式名字中 A mountain or hill. Used especially as part of a proper name.
在兰色天空的耀眼背景衬托下看去,山峰顶是灰色的。 The summit of the mountain is grey seen against a brilliant background of blue sky.
山口,隘口两个山峰间的通路或者山脊上的裂口 A pass between two mountain peaks or a gap in a ridge.
玩具销售额在圣诞节前夕达到最高峰, 现已逐渐下降. Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
亚瑟王的传说代表骑士精神的顶峰. The legends of King Arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry.
装备有雷达的飞机,在夜间飞行时飞行员能够在雷达屏幕上看见远处的建筑物、或许还能看见前面几英里远的险峻山峰。 The pilot in an airplane equipped with radar, flying at night, can see on the radar viewing screen distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead.
苏联外长谢瓦尔德纳泽星期五来华盛顿。他将带给里根一封戈尔巴乔夫的亲笔信……。你尽可以打赌一定是有关几乎吹的高峰会。 Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze is coming to Washington on Friday. He'll be bringing Ronald Reagan a letter from Mikhail Gorbachev himself…But you can bet the rent it'll be about the summit that almost wasn't.
旅游业在八月份达到高峰。 Tourism is at its peak in August.