真正的权力属于人民。 The real power resides in the people.
他活动于社交甚严的社交圈内,而且属于那些最不愿吸收外人的俱乐部。 He moves in exclusive social circles and belongs to the most exclusive clubs.
你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其它类? Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other?
这所小学附属于一所大学。 This elementary school is affiliated to a university.
你和我属于不同的政治阵营。 You and I belong to different political camps.
皇室的领地并非属于国王私人所有,而是属于国家的。 Land belonging to the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state.
属一群拥有共同祖先和明显特征的有机体,尤指属于同一物种的一群,通过人工选择来发展,通过有控制的繁殖来维持 A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.
你属于哪一党派? What party do you belong to?
你属于某个工会吗? Do you belong to a union?
这所中学附属于一所师范院校。 This middle school is attached to a teachers' college.
她现在隶属于国防部。 She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense.
"你当然认识他喽?""不大认识。他毕竟不属于我们这儿的老派正统的小圈子。" "You know him, of course? " "Not to speak to. After all, he's hardly of our square little circle down here."
小教堂附属于大教堂的比其小的做礼拜的地方 A place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church.
属性,特性符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向 A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.