他有才干能在本行业中首屈一指。 His ability carried him to the top of his profession.
他学得慢,但是他表现出不屈不挠的毅力。 He is slow to learn, but shows great perseverance.
我们赢得了合同,但是却经过了多次不屈不挠的谈判才达到目的。 We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating.
我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。 We will never yield to invaders.
她投诉说她受到委屈. She complained of the wrongs she had suffered.
她的眼里流露出受委屈的神情. Her eyes took on a hurt expression.
她今天在街上竟能屈尊跟我打招呼。 She actually condescend to say hello to me in the street today.
我工作时间是别人的两倍,可拿的钱却比谁都少,我感到十分委屈。 I felt very hard done by when I got less money than anybody else, and I'd worked twice as long.
她觉得(自己)有点委屈. She feels (she's been) rather hard done by.
她是个勇敢的选手, 从不屈服. She's a gutsy player, she never gives in.
这个计划的反对派全部屈服了。 All opposition to the plan has caved in.
他的军队从来不向侵略者屈服。 His army never came under the yoke of invaders.
在足够的证据面前,这个罪犯屈服了。 In the face of enough witness, the criminal caved in.
史密斯先生有时屈尊帮他的妻子做家务。 Mr. Smith sometimes condescends to help his wife with the housework.
屈肌一块收缩时能弯曲身体的关节或四肢的肌肉 A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body.
分析型的以两个或两个以上的词代替屈折变化来表达语法范畴的 Expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words instead of an inflected form.
她待他那种屈尊纡贵的样子, 他十分愤恨. He resented the way she patronized him.
那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前(向观众)行屈膝礼. The ballerina bobbed a curtsy (to the audience) before leaving the stage.
还从没有一个出版商主动来与我接洽,这种屈尊有点让我受宠若惊。 I had never been spontaneously approached by a publisher and such condescension rather turned my head.