有人相信婴儿的尿是一种药。 Someone believes that a baby's urine is a kind of medicine.
肾脏是分泌尿液的器官。 The kidneys secrete urine.
`小便'是`排尿'的委婉语. `Pass water' is a euphemism for `urinate'.
血红蛋白尿尿液中出现血红蛋白 The presence of hemoglobin in the urine.
膀胱能储存尿液。 The bladder collects urine.
膀胱炎泌尿膀胱的发炎 Inflammation of the urinary bladder.
排出物从生命体排生物或废物,如脓、屎、尿等 Discharge or waste, such as pus or feces, from a living organism.
从尿布到尊严、又从尊严到解体,只不过是短短的一段岁月而已。 It is but a few short years from diaper to dignity and from dignity to decomposition.
好多智慧的冠冕,无非是一只“成功”的金尿壶,摆着堂皇的架势而已。 Many a crown of wisdom is but the golden chamber-pot of success, worn with pompous dignity.