政府坚持自己的政策。 The government stood pat in its policy.
他爸爸坚持他们应该搬到乡下。 His father insisted that they (should) move to the country.
我妈妈鼓励我,而且坚持我应该继续我的教育。 My mother encouraged me and insisted that I continue my education.
连长说军队生活可以使新兵锻炼得更坚强。 The company leader said that army life would toughen the recruits up.
金刚砂是非常坚硬的金属物质。 The emery is a hard metallic substance.
最近,许多州坚持中学应该教学生如何开车。 Recently, many states have insisted that high schools teach students how to drive.
美利坚合众国保证合众国各州实行共和政体。 The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government.
当局答应给护士增加5%的工资, 但她们坚持要得到7%的增幅. The nurses have been offered an extra 5%, but they're standing out for a 7% pay rise.
她坚决不来。 She was quite adamant that she would not come.
我知道她意志坚定。 I know she is steady in her purpose.
他对他的决定很坚定。 He is unmoved in his decision.
他总是坚持自己的立场。 He always stands his ground.
他意志坚强。 He has indomitable will.
冰象石头一样坚硬。 The ice is as hard as rock.
他是个坚强而沉默的人。 He is the strong, silent type.
我们必须采取坚定的态度。 We must maintain a firm attitude.
我们鼓励他坚持自己对此事的看法。 We encouraged him to assert his view of the matter.
她在这一切不幸中表现得很坚强。 She bore up well against all these misfortunes.
既然你坚持,我就只好修改信用证。 Since you insist, I must amend the letter of credit.
敌人的防线很坚强, 但仍为我军突破。 The enemy's defenses were strong but our soldiers broke through.
我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.
我丈夫想买一条小狗,但我得照料它,因此我坚持不同意。 My husband wanted to buy a puppy, but I would have to look after it so I put my foot down and said No.
运动员护身一种运动员用的护身弹性织物,有用保护性的坚硬塑料或金属制成的加强层 An athletic supporter having a protective reinforcement of rigid plastic or metal.
这管子柔软但很坚固。 This tube is flexible but tough.
她仍然坚持要求赔偿. She is still pressing her claim for compensation.
这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。 This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform.
史密斯先生不想因坚持按市价购进而失去做买卖的机会。 Mr Smith did not want to lose his market by sticking to having it at the market price.
我佩服他的坚韧不拔的勇气。 I admire him for his grim courage.
他是君主制的坚定拥护者。 He's a staunch supporter of the monarchy.
一个坚强的人会忍受困苦而不抱怨。 A strong man will bear hardship without complaining.
困境中,他坚定的信仰支撑着他。 His firmness on his belief supported him in difficulties.
黑檀树是一种黑色而坚硬的树木。 Ebony is a hard black wood.
坚定的毫不犹豫的或毫不迟疑的;坚决的 Free from hesitation or vacillation; resolute.
不畏缩的;坚定的表示既不害怕也不犹豫的;坚决的 Showing neither fear nor indecision; resolute.
工作台在上面做手工工作的坚固的桌子或长凳,如机械工人、木匠或珠宝匠的工作台 A sturdy table or bench at which manual work is done, as by a machinist, carpenter, or jeweler.
报社记者把部长团团围住,坚持要他发表一个声明。 Newspaper reporters pushed round the Minister, urging him to give them a statement.
她始终坚持自己的信念。 She always holds to her convictions.
主教在仪式上为许多人施行了坚信礼. The bishop conducted a number of confirmations at the service.
据点提供下一步前进基地的坚固或安全的位置 A firm or secure position that provides a base for further advancement.
电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段. The censor insisted on excising the passage from the film.
电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。 The censor insist on excise the passage from the film.
我们的战士在那个孤立无援的阵地上坚持了两个多钟点。 Our fighters held on in that isolated position for more that two hours.
他们忍受著恶劣天气的煎熬, 表现了英国人典型的坚忍不拔的精神. They reacted to the appalling weather with typical British stoicism.
烧热的钢淬火使它坚硬。 Hot steel is quenched to harden it.
桶贮存液体的坚固的圆筒状容器;桶 A sturdy cylindrical container for storing liquids; a barrel.
软骨性的有软骨组织结构的;坚固、坚韧而又有弹性的 Having the texture of cartilage; firm and tough, yet flexible.
坚果种子生长在有硬壳的果实之内的种子,如花生、杏或核桃 A seed borne within a fruit having a hard shell, as in the peanut, almond, or walnut.
马林诺团体斯基,布伦尼斯洛·卡斯佩1884-1942波兰裔英国人类社会学家,坚持认为习俗和信仰具有特定的社会功能 Polish-born British anthropologist who maintained that customs and beliefs have specific social functions.
我坚信我们最后会胜利。 I fervently believe in our eventual victory.
这座建筑物结构很坚固。 The building is structurally sound.
它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。 Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base.
这块湿地不够坚实, 不能在上面走. This wet ground is not firm enough to walk on.
你如果把工作坚持下去,最终会取得成功的。 If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.
议员坚持要充分了解政府计画的详情. Members of Parliament insisted on being put in the picture about the government's plans.
他们很高兴能离开海船,回到坚实的陆地上。 They were glad to leave the boat and put their feet on the solid ground.
那对新婚夫妇因缺乏坚实的经济基础决定实行计划生育。 The newlyweds decided to conduct family planning for lack of a sound economic base.
腰果和核桃都是坚果。 Cashew nuts and walnuts are both nuts.
他在比赛中坚持跑完了全程,不像大部分选手那样半途而废。 He managed to finish the race, unlike more than half of the competitors.
一种坚韧的全天候织物 A tough all-weather fabric.
松鼠储藏坚果以防冬天。 The squirrel hoards up nuts for the winter.
他坚定不移地信仰共产主义。 His belief of communism is immovable.
那座城堡建筑在坚实的岩石上。 The castle is founded on solid rock.
她有非凡的自立的精神和坚韧不拔的精神。 She have an unusual degree of self-reliance and mental toughness.
果断,决断性格或行动的坚定;坚决 Firmness of character or action; determination.
回想一下工人阶级生活的一些惯例:就拿衣服来说,坚持穿最好的衣服。 Recall for a moment some of the routines of working-class life; as to clothes, the persistence of the Sunday suit.