鸽子是和平的象征。 The dove is the symbol of peace.
这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。 These weapons are a menace to world peace.
我认为你说美国是世界和平的障碍是不对的。 I don't think it is correct of you to say that America is a balk to world peace.
这个条约将成为持久和平的开端。 The treaty will be the threshold of lasting peace.
所有爱好和平的人都强烈反对军备竞赛。 All those who love peace are strongly against arms race.
橄榄枝是和平的象征。 The olive branch is the emblem of peace.
除了远处的零星的小冲突之外,这个地区是和平的。 This area is peaceful except for a few skirmishes in the distance.
原子能应该为了和平的目的而使用,这是合乎情理的。 It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purpose.
如果一项促进和平的安排开始进行,沙特阿拉伯将直接参与有关航运及污染等地区性问题的多边谈判。 If a peace process got under way, Saudi Arabia would participate directly in multilateral talks about such problems of regional concern as shipping and pollution.
和睦,友好,友善国家间友好和平的关系;友谊 Peaceful relations, as between nations; friendship.