工会领袖号召抗议那天全体会员积极参加. Union leaders called for the active participation of all members in the day of protest.
他号召部下战斗。 He summoned his soldiers to fight.
总统号召全国人民团结起来。 The President made a call for national unity.
政府号召青年义务献血。 The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily.
他号召工人为争取自己的权利而斗争。 He called on the workers to fight for their rights.
那些股东被召集去叁加股东大会。 The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting.
会议已由5月10日提前到5月3日召开. The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May.
如果战争爆发, 我们将立即被征召服役。 If war breaks out, we shall be called up right away.
他召集了所有的部队. He mustered all the troops.
把学生召集到学校的礼堂里. Summon the pupils together in the school hall.
要想召集会议什么的,就要出个通知。 If you want to call a meeting or anything, put up a notice.
军功章的获得者们被按级别高低召见──等级最高的官员排在第一位 Recipients of military honors were called in order of precedence梙ighest ranking officers first.
新征召的军人刚配备好个人装具。 The new intake of soldiers has just been kitted out.
应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.