我倾向于相信他的无辜。 I'm inclined to believe him innocent.
她在科学方面的倾向性在孩童时代就已显现出来。 Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.
我倾向于同意你的观点。 I'm disposed to agree with you.
他倾向于放手让他们干。 He was inclined to give them a free hand.
小集团的倾向于联成一个群体并排斥外来者的 Inclined to cling together as a group and exclude outsiders.
这种有倾向性 的说法可能招致强烈的反对. Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition.
多言的,罗唆的倾向于用超过传达意思所必需的词的,用超过传达意思所必需的词叙述的 Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning.
轻信的有信赖倾向的;信任的 Having a tendency to confide; trusting.
含意;暗流;内在性质隐含的或含蓄的倾向或意义;潜在势力 An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent.
强迫的表现出或倾向于强制的 Characterized by or inclined to coercion.
属性,特性符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向 A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.
趋向总体的倾向、动向或进程 A general tendency, movement, or course.
意向感觉、做或说的意向;倾向 A disposition to feel, do, or say; a propensity.
健谈的倾向于易于沟通的;爱说话的 Inclined to communicate readily; talkative.
感染力蔓延扩散的倾向,如学说、影响或情绪等 The tendency to spread, as of a doctrine, influence, or emotional state.
选拔委员会选中那位稳健、有保守倾向的候选人。 The selection committee plumped for the safe, conservatively inclined candidate.
斜向性向倾斜或与水平成角度的方向生长的倾向。用于植物的根、茎或枝 The tendency to grow at an oblique or horizontal angle. Used of roots, stems, or branches.