他偷脚踏车是事实,但他并不像你所想的那样坏。 It is true that he stole the bicycle, but he is not so bad as you might think.
基本的事实面对着我们。 The elemental truth was facing us.
我们迟早会查明事实真相。 We shall find out the truth early or late.
事实证明了这些说法。 The truth verified the allegations.
这些事实和此案有关。 These facts are relevant to the case.
这些事实否定了你的理论. These facts negate your theory.
这种理论与已知事实不符。 This theory is at variance with the known facts.
他们自信地等待我自己发现事实真相。 They were waiting with assurance for me to discover the truth for myself.
他确实是想帮忙,然而事实上却只是帮倒忙。 No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just get in the way.
要使这份报告包括最新资料,我仅有几点事实需补充。 I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date.
记者们歪曲了事实。 The reporter distorted the facts.
虽然他竭力阻止这桩婚姻,但还是成了事实。 He tried to prevent the marriage but it still took place notwithstanding.
宽阔,广阔宽阔的状态、特点或事实 The state, quality, or fact of being wide.
事实不容许有其它的解释。 The facts permit no other explanation.
事实是最顽强的东西。 Facts are stubborn things.
事实一再证明他错了,他最后改变看法,认识了他爱人的高尚品质。 Repeatedly proven wrong, he finally changed his outlook and recognized the noble qualities of his wife.
谎言再多也掩盖不了事实真相。 No amount of lies can cover up reality.
你看了前任部长在报上揭露的那些惊人的事实没有? Have you read the ex-minister's amazing revelations in the newspaper?
新的事实已众所周知, 政府被迫承认处理间谍丑事失当. As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.
他有钱是事实,但他必须知道钱不是一切。 It is true that he is rich, but he must know money is not everything.
事实决不能否认。 There is no denying the fact.
无人能否认火能燃烧的事实. No one can deny the fact that fire burns.
精确预言未来的事实际上是办不到的. It is virtually impossible to predict the future accurately.
某个具体事件发生次数的累计总数,作为事实记录保存。 The cumulative total of the number of times a specific event occurs, kept as a factual record.
他企图将这种酒假冒成法国酒,而事实上此酒来自共同市场以外的地方。 He tried to pass off the wine as french, when in fact it come from outside the common market.
她编 造瞎话以掩盖事实. She manufactured a false story to hide the facts.
事实上,许多人身体都有某种缺陷。 As a matter of fact, many people have a disability.
他在陈述事实, 但他隐瞒了一些事。 He may be telling the truth but he is keeping something back.
我以为他会变好。但事实上,他愈变愈糟。 I thought he would get better. As it is, he is getting worse.
鉴于这些事实,一个专门委员会被委任。 In view of these facts, one the specialized commission is appointed.
这些新的事实连同其他证据已证明在押者无罪. These new facts, together with the other evidence, prove the prisoner's innocence.
所提出的事实会揭示社区中普遍存在的一种可悲的情形。 The facts quoted would reveal a sorry state of affairs in any community.
考克斯兄弟雇了一个尽职的鬼魂替他们干了大部分事情,这件事终于变成了公认的事实。 In time, it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.
事实上,最引不起我兴趣的莫过于烹调了。 Nothing interests me less than cooking, as a matter of fact.
要想弄清事实,唯一办法是作周密的调查。 The only way to get at the facts is to make a thorough investigation.
归纳法由特殊的事实或例子推理出的普遍性规律的过程 The process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances.
明明白白的事实;明显的野心 The naked facts; naked ambition.
这些都是事实, 你能从中得出什麽结论? Those are the facts; what do you conclude from them?
矛盾,不相符不符合或不一致,如在事实和宣称之间;差异 Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference.
"他记住了那一系列日期,但却忽略了与其有关的主要事实。" "He memorized the list of dates, but neglected the main facts corresponding to them."
信念对真理、事实或某物的正确性在思想上接受或深信不疑 Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something.
好多男人之(所以有)惊人的自制力,是由于他有老婆这一事实之故。 Many a man's wonderful self- control is due to the fact that he has a wife.
不要因为我说你的头发是姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。 Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is.
汽车修理厂给我5英镑折价换取我的汽车旧电池,这使我比较容易接受得买一个新电池的事实。 The garage gave me five pounds for trading in my old car battery, which took the sting of having to buy a new one.
抗辩一种表示反对的方法即:同意对方论据中的事实,但是否定对方基于这些事实的辩护 A method of objecting that admits the facts of the opponent's argument but denies that they sustain the pleading based upon them.