一晚放映三个同一主题的访问记实, 真是小题大做. It was surely overkill to screen three interviews on the same subject in one evening.
讲课时不要岔开(主题). Don't digress (from the subject) when lecturing.
开篇第一章是对主题的概述. The opening chapter gives a general overview of the subject.
她的论文的主题是由历史观点贯穿起来的. The historical aspect formed the main theme of her essay.
对照物对比平行的成分、项目或主题 A contrasting but parallel element, item, or theme.
论述,详述对一个主题正式的详谈;阐述 A formal discourse on a topic; an exposition.
主题,范围一个题目、课题或学术兴趣或专业领域 A topic, a subject, or an area of academic interest or specialization.
论点,主旨,主题标题当中显示出来的主题、论点或题材 A theme, an argument, or a subject indicated in a title.