我希望明年某一时候再见到你。 I hope to see you again sometime next year.
商店趁一时缺货而提高价格从中获利。 The shop is cashed in on temporary shortage by raising price.
我肚子上挨了一拳一时完全喘不过气来. The punch in the stomach completely winded me.
某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念. The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes.
除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在着威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。 Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
这一时期地主的势力削弱了. The power of the landowners waned during this period.
他一时想不开, 自杀了. He committed suicide during a fit of depression.
我一时心软同意了支付她度假的费用. In a weak moment, I agreed to pay for her holiday.
那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时. The outrageous book created a sensation.
短暂的时尚:流行一时的狂热 A short-lived popular fashion; a fad.