第一章阐明了她的研究领域. The first chapter delimits her area of research.
研究计划一个学生或一组学生执行以使用、阐明或补遗课堂作业的大量任务 An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons.
她在一封长信里阐明了辞职原因. She set out the reasons for her resignation in a long letter.
总统在电视讲话中阐明了他的计划。 The president set forth his plans in a television talk.
他用图表和数字进一步阐明他新近的发现。 He amplified(on) his new findings with drawings and figures.
作者在前言中阐明了他写这本书的原因。 In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.