他们宁愿去钓鱼,也不愿待在家里。 They would rather go fishing than stay at home.
钓鱼的人渡水到河中央去了. The angler waded (out) into the middle of the river.
我曾想带他去钓鱼,但我不好意思对他开口。 I wanted to take him fishing but I was too timid to ask him.
渡假者租了一艘船去钓鱼。 The holiday-makers chartered a boat to go fishing.
我们不顾恶劣的天气而去钓鱼。 In spite of the bad weather, we went fishing.
我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。 Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.