我以前从未听到过这个词语,是最近新造的吗? I hadn't heard that expression before ; is it a recent coinage?
别尽用那种专门术语--用普通的词语解释吧. Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English.
一本好的学生字典应该既提供词语的含义,又举出应用这些词语的例子。 A good learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of the words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.
`啊!'、 `小心!'、 `哎哟!'都是感叹词语. `Oh!', `Look out!' and `Ow!' are exclamations.
词书编纂者必须精於给词语下定义的技巧. Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition.
词语的定义不应比所解释的词语更难理解. Definitions should not be more difficult to understand than the words they define.
她使用的词语未免太陈旧了。 She uses rather dated words and phrases.
引出推论的表达推论的或置于推论前面的,用来修饰词语 Expressing or preceding an inference. Used of a word.