工会被迫稍稍改变立场。 The union has been forced to slightly modify its position.
士兵们被迫投降。 The soldiers had to yield.
在我方的沉重打击下,敌军被迫后退。 The enemy was forced to get back under our massive blows.
在丛林中, 他们为了生存被迫采取极端行动. In the jungle, they were driven to extremes in order to survive.
叛乱者被迫投降. The rebels were forced to give in.
等到他被迫向朋友乞讨时, 他觉得自己的境况已糟到无以复加的地步了. When he was forced to beg from his friends he felt he had touched bottom and could sink no lower.
新的事实已众所周知, 政府被迫承认处理间谍丑事失当. As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.
英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。 The British line was forced back a short distance.
敌人被迫撤退。 The enemy was forced to retreat.
几经失败之后,敌军被迫后撤。 After several reverses the enemy was forced to retreat.
我曾经警告过他不要调换工作,可如今他被迫在一家亏损公司工作。他这是自作自受。 I warned him not to change his job but now he is forced to work for a company that is losing money. He has made his own bed and now he must lie in it.
公司被迫裁员, 恐怕我是其中之一(冗员). The company is being forced to reduce staff and I fear I'm a likely candidate (for redundancy).
工会与资方的最后谈判行将终结,双方努力争取在限期前达成协议。否则,发行187年的《纽约邮报》将被迫永远停刊。 Last-ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the New York Post to close down today for good after187 year.