步行了四个小时以后,我们开始累了。 After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.
这个人为了赢得胜利进行了英勇的斗争。 The man put up a valiant fight for victory.
检查者对所有受害者的朋友进行了调查。 The checker made a check on all the victims' friends.
他在一家汽车旅馆呆了一晚上,就又接着旅行了。 He stayed one night in a motel and went on travelling.
女王以传统仪式举行了加冕礼。 The queen was crowned with proper ceremony.
她急忙去银行了. She has nipped out to the bank.
我们都去飞机场为她送行了. We all went to the airport to see her off.
在海上航行了三天,我们终于看见了大陆。 After three days at sea we sighted the land.
我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。 I don't care about the price, so long as the car is in good condition.
她最近的一部小说在出版当年就印行了三次. Her last novel ran into three reprints in its first year of publication.
结果一见分晓, 部长立即举行了记者招待会. The Minister called a press conference as soon as the results were known.
和面的方法很简单,只要把水和在面粉里就行了。 The way to make dough is very simple as you need only to mix flour with water.
摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。 The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.
有关方面就我的婚姻状况以及银行存款余额对我进行了详细的调查. I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance.
轰炸机对这港口进行了一次突然袭击。 The bombers made a sudden strike on the harbor.
为了防止牟取暴利而 实行了租金管制. Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering.
政府已经履行了他的全部选举诺言了吗? Has the government redeemed all its election promise?
发现斑疹伤寒以後, 医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒. The hospital wards were fumigated after the outbreak of typhus.
这条大船的马达坏了,无法再航行了。 With its engine broken, this great ship was not navigable.
主教在仪式上为许多人施行了坚信礼. The bishop conducted a number of confirmations at the service.
那种场合下应该具有的一切庄重的仪式都举行了。 All the solemnities of the occasion were observed.
议会对议案的数份修正案进行了辩论. Parliament debated several amendments to the bill.
新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。 The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers.
这个报告对在城市中部建厂的社会成本进行了审查。 The report examine the social cost of building the factory in the middle of the town.
她进行了首次解剖後就改变了要当医生的想法. Her first dissection made her change her mind about becoming a doctor.
那艘油轮遇难後,对同类型的油轮都进行了检验。 After the disaster, tests were carried out on the tanker's sister vessels.
这个男孩非常机灵,是我最好的徒弟—任何东西我只需教他一遍就行了。 He's as clever as paint, that boy, and the best apprentice I ever had—I never had to show or tell him anything more than once.
我们对房子进行了一些改建. We are making a few alterations to the house.
国民大会已对这一危机进行了讨论. The national assembly has/have met to discuss the crisis.
他对这个地区进行了多次视察。 He made a number of inspections.
他们为所发生的事进行了辩解. They explained what had happened.
西方各国对这个国家实行了严厉制裁。 Western nations imposed tough sanctions on the country.
本市的市民举行了盛大的晚会庆祝他们的胜利。 People in the city held a great party to celebrate their victory.
这部词典的筹备工作已进行了多年. Years of work have gone into the preparation of this dictionary.
在切斯特的主教主持下举行了新教堂的奉献礼. The new church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester.
查尔斯肯定对拟定预算的原则进行了明确的阐述。 Charles has certainly made plain the principles on which the Budget had been designed.
雅典人不介意人家聪明伶俐,只要他只对他自己施展那份聪明伶俐的劲儿就行了。 The Athenians do not mind a man being clever, as long as he keeps it to himself.
她不折不扣地履行了她的所有诺言。 She carry out all her pledge to the letter.