我这篇小说中所有的地点和人物都是虚构的. All the places and characters in my novel are entirely fictitious.
人们对于虚构的地狱中的鬼神仍具有一种普遍的恐惧。 People still have a general fear for the imaginary infernal powers.
虚构,捏造虚构作品或捏造借口的行为 The act of inventing such a creation or pretense.
捏造,想象虚构的作品或托词,并不代表是真实的,而是被编造出来的 An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.
空头支票代表虚构的金融交易的可转让票据,暂时用于维持信贷或筹集钱款 A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.